Meeting 3rd June 2019
Parish Council Meeting at Edingale Village Hall
1. To receive and approve apologies.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 13th May 2019.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session and to reconvene the meeting.
5. To receive the Clerk’s report.
6. To consider any planning matters.
7. To approve the Annual Governance Statement.
8. To approve the Annual Accounting Statements.
9. To approve the Internal Auditor’s Report and approve the appointment of the Auditor for the following year.
10. To approve renewal of the Parish Council’s insurance.
11. To consider employment policy.
12. To approve Village Hall car park work.
13. To receive correspondence.
14. To receive Councillors’ reports.
15. To receive the Financial Report.
16. To approve payments on the payment schedule.
17. Date of next meeting – Monday 1st July 2019.
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 3rd June 2019
at 7.30 pm at Edingale Village Hall.
Members present:
Cllr Startin (Chair)
Cllr Cliffe
Cllr Dhillon
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Meikle
Cllr Purkess
Present: Mrs M Jones, Clerk, and 3 members of the public. Cllr Startin welcomed everyone to the meeting and welcomed Cllr Purkess to her first meeting as a member of the Parish Council.
1. To receive and approve apologies
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 13th May 2019
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session and to reconvene the meeting.
The Chair of the Village Hall had sent thanks to the Parish Council for their assistance in funding the car park repairs. The weeds had been sprayed by Cllr Startin. No other matters were raised.
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report
Cllrs Registers of Interests and Declarations of Acceptance of Office had been sent to the District Council. Cllrs who had not yet sent back their election returns were reminded to do so as soon as possible. Cllr’s contact details would remain on the website. The litter bin for the play area had been ordered; the removal of the old bin would be discussed with the Village Hall Committee. Cllr Meikle would attend the Parish Forum at Lichfield on 25th June. The Chair of Harlaston Parish Council had complained about litter at the Football Field; the Trustees had been contacted and had offered to deal with this, they would be asked to put up a sign asking teams to take their litter home. Mowing matters; the contractor had strimmed a small area in Church Lane, the ownership of which was yet to be confirmed; a resident had asked about mowing of Raddle Lane and been informed that it was strimmed as far as the 30mph sign. Bromford had been contacted about the parked vehicle. There were many parked cars belonging to one property near School Lane and the PCSO would be asked if he had contacted the owner. Highways had been contacted about the signage at the A513 junction and were still awaiting resources to do the work. RESOLVED to approve the Clerk’s report.
6. To consider any planning matters
Amended plans had been submitted for the agricultural access at Oak Farm Barn on Lullington Road. It was resolved to send a further comment to the Planning department.
7. To approve the Annual Governance Statement
The Annual Governance Statement was approved by the Council and signed by the Chair.
8. To approve the Annual Accounting Statements
The Annual Accounting Statements were approved by the Council and signed by the Chair. The end of year accounts had been circulated. The Certificate of Exemption was signed.
9. To approve the Internal Auditor’s Report and approve the appointment of the Auditor for the following year
The Internal Auditor’s Report was approved. It was agreed to again appoint Toplis Associates as Internal Auditor to the Parish Council.
10. To approve renewal of the Parish Council’s insurance
Resolved to renew the Parish Council’s insurance through Came & Co. with the long term agreement.
11. To consider employment policy
RESOLVED to adopt the National Association of Local Council’s disciplinary and grievance policies.
12. To approve Village Hall car park work
It was proposed by Cllr Mason and seconded by Cllr Meikle that the Parish Council would grant £9670 plus VAT towards the car park work. The repairs would be undertaken at the end June/ early July.
13. To receive correspondence
SPCA bulletins
Lichfield District Council; news items
Rosliston Parish Council, survey regarding use of health centre building
Staffordshire County Council, data protection service information
Community Speed Watch, National Volunteers week
14. To receive Councillor’s Reports
Cllr Cliffe reported that 2 potholes had been repaired in Pessall Lane, although others had not yet been done. Cllr Mason said that the barrels had been planted; he thanked local people who had helped with planting and watering these. Cllr Meikle said that no traffic holdups had been reported during the Bearded Theory festival. It was agreed to thank the organisers.
The Clerk was asked to write to the owner of the trampoline and climbing frame which had been dumped on Village Hall land to ask for it to be removed.
15. To receive the Financial Report The bank reconciliation was given, along with details of the capital fund. RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report.
16. To approve the payments on the payment schedule Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £271.82; Acorn Taxis £ 315.06 The Village Gardeners, maintenance, £453.12 Came & Co Insurance premium £330.00 A.Mason, plants £59.67 RESOLVED to approve the payments.
17. Date of next meeting; Monday 1st July 2019.
The meeting closed at 20.25 p.m.