Meeting 5th February 2018
Meeting of Edingale Parish Council
Location: Edingale Village Hall
Date: Monday 5th February 2018
Time: 7.30 pm
1. To receive and approve apologies.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest.
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 8th January 2018.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session (maximum 15 minutes) and to reconvene the meeting.
5. To receive the Clerk’s report.
6. To receive correspondence.
7. To receive Councillor’s reports.
8. To consider any planning matters; (a) 18/00048/FUL Pessall Farm; Two storey extension to rear (b) ES.17/11/502 M Western Extension to Barton Quarry between A38 and railway line.
9. To consider entry to the Best Kept Village competition.
10. To consider future options for bus passengers.
11. To consider grounds maintenance.
12. To receive the Financial Report.
13. To approve payments on the payment schedule.
14. Date of next meeting. (Monday 5th March 2018).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 5th February 2018
at 7.30 pm at Edingale Village Hall.
Members present:
Cllr Wesley (Chair)
Cllr Cliffe
Cllr Dhillon
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Startin
Cllr Van Arkadie
Mrs M Jones, Clerk, and 16 members of the public.
1. To receive apologies
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest
There were no pecuniary interests to declare.
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 8th January 2018
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
4. To adjourn the meeting, hold the public session, and reconvene the meeting
The Chair of the Village Hall Committee reported that repairs from the play inspection had now been completed. The insurers had approved the claim for damage to the drains, and quotes were to be obtained for the work to be done. It would be a busy year with 19 events planned.
A large number of residents had attended to express their concerns about the difficulties they would face if the bus service closed. Young people would be unable to get to college and would lose their independence. Older people would be unable to use their passes for free public transport. Those using the buses for medical appointments would be unable to do so. Taxis could cost up to £15 each way to Tamworth, which was a considerable cost for pensioners.
The Chair said that the local Parish Councils were trying to find a way to resolve this, and that in the meantime as many people as possible should use the buses to show that they were needed.
Agenda item 10 was then brought forward so that residents could listen to an update on the matter. Cllr Wesley thanked everyone for attending to raise the issue.
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report
Croxall Lakes – Staffordshire Wildlife Trust had been contacted. They had confirmed that they would move the signs and intended to install a lockable barrier to reduce littering and vandalism.
Potholes – these had been reported to Highways who said that the work had been completed. They would be asked again to deal with one near 12 Pessall Lane.
Speed Survey – the County Council had not yet responded. Safer Roads Partnership Grant scheme would open on 1st March, it would be useful to apply for funding for a school warning sign.
Play equipment – it had been suggested previously to install an item in memory of Cllr Norah Mason, this would be put on the next agenda.
6. To receive correspondence
SPCA bulletins
BKV entry forms
Trent Valley Community Conversations
Edingale Open Gardens and Village Festival 16th/17th June, information and request for more gardens to be included
Community Council of Staffordshire, request for information for Diary of Village Events
Lichfield District Council invitation to the Chair’s Curry Lunch, Parish Forum information, Parklife magazine
7. To receive Councillor’s Reports
Cllr Cliffe said that the pothole in Pessall Lane had still not been repaired. Cllr Lacey reported that fir trees in Church Lane had been chopped down on the verge between Church Walk and Church Lane, it was not known who had done the work.
8. To consider any planning matters
(a) Application:18/00048/FUL Pessall Farm; Two storey extension to rear to form study and utility and extend kitchen / dining area at ground floor level including the conversion of the detached outbuilding to living space; form one bedroom and ensuite and extend existing bedroom at first floor level. RESOLVED no objection.
(b) Application ES.17/11/502 M – Western extension to Barton Quarry between A38 road and railway line to extract 6.3 million tonnes of sand and gravel over a period of 10 years and to restore the site to landscaped water areas with biodiversity, landscape and flood alleviation benefits at Barton Quarry (Western Extension), Walton Lane, Barton under Needwood. RESOLVED no objection.
(c) The application for Change of Use for the Black Horse had been withdrawn.
9. To consider entry to the Best Kept Village competition RESOLVED to enter the 2018 competition. There would be collaboration with those organising the biennial Open Gardens and Village Festival. Improvements to the notice boards were needed, and the bus shelter roof needed repainting.
10. To consider future options for bus passengers Cllr Mason updated everyone on information received since the last meeting regarding the bus service. County Councillor White had confirmed that the financial position meant that subsidies would not be reinstated. Information had been received from the firm currently running the service that the number of passengers had slightly increased to up to 70 per day. The commissioning team at Staffordshire County Council had informed Cllr Mason that they would be tendering for services on various routes losing subsidies and hoped that there would be tenders for a reduced service on this route, probably with fewer days or journeys. A meeting of the local Parish Councils would take place soon. A financial contribution could be made but an extraordinary meeting could be required to authorise this.
11. To consider grounds maintenance Three quotes had been requested. It was proposed by Cllr Startin and seconded by Cllr Van Arkadie and RESOLVED to offer the work to Perennial Landscapes who had provided the most competitive quote, subject to acceptable references. Cllr Startin was thanked for organising the trimming of hedges around the village.
12. To receive the Financial Report The bank reconciliation was given. A payment to HMRC for PAYE had been made since the previous meeting. Information to update Councillors’ personal details which had been requested by the Coop Bank was provided to the Clerk.
13. To approve the payments on the payment schedule Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £132.10; HMRC, PAYE; KFL Electrical, Christmas lights installation and replacement, £359.88; Edingale Village Hall, donation towards insurance; £1,000; Holy Trinity Church PCC, donation towards churchyard mowing, £850. RESOLVED to approve the payments.
14. Date of next meeting; Monday 5th March 2018
The meeting closed at 8.50 p.m.