Reporting flooding
Should there be further flooding in or near Edingale, here are the contact details for residents to report it.
Either contact Staffordshire Highways for road problems such as closures on
or use the details below
Should there be further flooding in or near Edingale, here are the contact details for residents to report it.
Either contact Staffordshire Highways for road problems such as closures on
or use the details below
Letter sent to Severn Trent by Cllr Wheelton
Seven Trent Mease Pipeline 160924
Update from 1st July and September 2nd meetings:
Due to costs the pipeline is unlikely be routed near Edingale and Croxall but may enter the River Tame at Elford rather than the River Mease. Local farmers have reported surveys taking place on their land. More information will be posted when available but there has so far been no consultation with local Parish Councils from Severn Trent or from other local authorities.
At the Parish Council Meeting on June 3rd 2024 Cllrs discussed recent correspondence from Clifton Campville Parish Council and South Derbyshire Councillor Wheelton. This provided information on a subject that had been rumoured about and it was agreed to pass on details to residents of Edingale.
There is a proposal to install a pipeline to take treated discharge from sewage works at Measham and Packington in North West Leicestershire to the River Trent, near where the Mease enters the Trent. The route of the pipeline is not yet finalised but may be along the Mease Valley. 99% of the discharge would be fully treated. However up to 10 discharges of partially treated storm overflows would be permitted. This discharge currently goes along the Mease to the Trent so it is aimed that bypassing it will improve the conservation status of the Mease.
This project must be completed by 2027 as it is a statutory obligation signed off by DEFRA in 2018. For further details please see the replies to queries answered under the Environmental Information Request.
Environmental Information Request Response
Some of the Parish Councillors believe that by reducing the flow along the Mease the risk of flooding around Edingale would be lowered. Others feel that treated waste from North West Leicestershire should not be passed on to the River Trent as it would worsen flooding in Staffordshire.
Edingale Parish Council would welcome further consultation with Severn Trent in order to keep residents and local landowners informed as the planning of this project goes forward.
The Parish Council recently received a letter asking if we’d like to help local hedgehogs.
We’d like residents to tell us if they’d be interested in installing these small tunnels in their fences to allow hedgehogs to roam through gardens. See below and please let us know if you’d like us to purchase these for residents of Edingale.
What is a Hedgehog Highway?
A Hedgehog Highway is a 5 inch gap in a fence or wall allowing access for Hedgehogs. Other names include ‘Hedgehog Door’, ‘Hedgehog Hole’ and ‘Hedgehog Tunnel’
These gaps are essential in the battle to prevent the extinction of our endangered spiky friends.
The Hedgehog Highway allows hedgehogs to:
* Forage for food
* Meet mates to breed
* Access nesting sites
Why should I get a Hedgehog Highway Surround?
1. Hedgehog Highway Signs look super cute!
2. They raise awareness to hedgehogs’ struggle for survival
3. They create a talking point, encouraging others to create a highway of their own and take part in the project
4. Money from the sale of every Hedgehog Sign is donated to help the rescue of sick and injured hedgehogs
The Parish Council contacted Severn Trent regarding the recent flooding at Pessall Lane.
They told us if any residents are experiencing bad smells outside, they would recommend they contact 0800 783 44 44 at the contact centre who are available 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
There is a combined mains which takes both foul and storm water, this runs down Pelsall Lane to a pump station at the end of the road which is subsequently pumped away. They are confident these assets are operational and again if any residents are having any issues, they would kindly ask them to get in touch on the above number so they can get each case investigated and keep a log of any incidents.
Best Kept Village 2024
Just a reminder of what happened last year. We won the overall BKV competition (small village category) and also the CPRE sponsored prize for the best Green submission and shared the Community Spirit prize with two other parishes.
Edingale Parish Council has now sent in the entry for this year’s competition. Judging will again start from 1st of May.
I would like to ask those of you who did such a great job of litter picking and tidying the village last year to do the same again this year. A good start for our efforts this year was to help the Village Hall AGM and Community Clean up on 23rd March.
As ever, the more people involved, the less effort each of us has to put in!
If you see items of rubbish or litter please make that extra bit of effort to pick it up. We do now get a lot of small pieces of rubbish around the village especially following collection from the blue bags.
More to follow in a week or so!
Jim Meikle