Annual Parish Meeting 2019
1. To approve the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting on 2nd May 2018.
2. To receive reports from village organisations.
3. To receive questions and comments from residents.
Annual Parish Meeting
Location: Edingale Village Hall
Date: Monday 13th May 2019 Time: 7.30 pm
Present: Cllr Startin (Chair), Cllr Mrs Cliffe, Cllrs Dhillon, Mason, and Meikle.
Mrs M. Jones (Clerk) and 5 members of the public.
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
1. To approve the Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting of 2nd May 2018.
2. To receive reports from village organisations.
The Annual Report on the Village Hall was given. It had been a successful year and thanks were given to the volunteers and committee. Improvements were planned for the year including completing the resurfacing of the car park. Grant applications had been submitted for various projects, and regular expenditure was nearly covered by regular bookings. Fund raising events such as the Summer Show and Bonfire Night, plus donations from Open Gardens and the Parish Council had been invaluable to the Village Hall.
Holy Trinity Church had expressed thanks for the donation from the Parish Council. No-one was able to attend the meeting.
3. To receive questions and comments from residents.
A member of the Village Hall Committee said that a quote was now available for the car park work. The Parish Council would discuss the donation for this later.
A resident raised the matter of a planning application, which would be discussed during the Annual Meeting that would follow.
There being no other business the meeting closed at 7.45.