Meeting 1st October 2018
Meeting of Edingale Parish Council
Location: Edingale Village Hall
Date: Monday 1st October 2018
Time: 7.30 pm
1. To receive and approve apologies.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest.
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 3rd September 2018.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session (maximum 15 minutes) and to reconvene the meeting.
5. To receive the Clerk’s report.
6. To receive correspondence.
7. To receive Councillors’ reports.
8. To consider any planning matters: Pear Tree Cottage, rear single storey extension, conversion of garage and construction of garage; Fields Farm Cottage, single storey rear extension.
9. To receive an update on the bus service.
10. To consider Parish Council representation at Remembrance services.
11. To consider land ownership and tree trimming request at Woodyard Drive.
12. To consider tree trimming at Blakeways Close.
13. To consider Black Horse car park.
14. To consider contribution to Senior Citizen’s Christmas Lunch.
15. To consider appointment of Auditor.
16. To receive the Financial Report.
17. To approve payments on the payment schedule.
18. Date of next meeting (Monday 5th November).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 1st October 2018
at 7.30 pm at Edingale Village Hall.
Members present:
Cllr Startin (Chair)
Cllr Dhillon
Cllr Cliffe
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Meikle
Cllr Wesley
Mrs M Jones, Clerk, and 4 members of the public.
1. To receive apologies
None received.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest
None received.
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 3rd September 2018
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session (maximum 15 minutes) and to reconvene the meeting.
The Chair of the Village Hall gave an update. Sadly, there had been another resignation from the Committee, his contribution would be missed. This year’s Summer Show had been very successful, raising around £2,500 despite poor weather on the day. Work on the car park drainage would be required before resurfacing could be done. The installation of Wi-Fi was currently on hold until policies for CCTV use were in place. Future events included a Halloween Party, Fireworks and Seniors Christmas Lunch.
A resident reported that Footpath Two beyond Pessall Lane was heavily overgrown, it had been reported to the Rights of Way Team but given low priority. Cllr Startin offered to clear it with the farmer’s agreement.
Parking on both sides of Croxall Road could create a hazard, it was difficult to pass especially at weekends. The Parish Council had discussed this matter previously but there was no easy answer, there were many properties with several cars and no drives, however parked cars did slow the traffic speeds.
Tree trimming at Woodyard Drive would be covered in item 9.
The footpaths outside the bungalows near the junction with Pessall Lane and along the service road in Croxall Road were in a poor state. These would be reported to Highways.
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report
Community Speedwatch information had been received and an application made for a grant for a speed camera and equipment to the Safer Roads Partnership. A representative of Community Speedwatch had offered to attend a meeting in Edingale to explain how the scheme worked and encourage volunteers.
Information had been received on locking the car park at night at Croxall Lakes wildlife reserve.
The river bridge at Harlaston had been damaged but quickly repaired by Highways. The fly tipping of a large number of bags on the verge on the road to Harlaston had been reported to the District Council and removed by them. There were no updates on pothole repairs.
6. To receive correspondence
Lichfield District Council; Parish Forum 22nd October and request for Chair and Vice Chair to meet the Leader of the District Council. Cllrs Meikle and Lacey would attend. Details of‘Be A Councillor sessions’, 10th October.
Armed Forces Covenant Fund Trust, information on ‘There but not there’ silhouettes for remembrance events.
Royal Mail, posters warning the public about postal scams.
Staffordshire Parish Council Association bulletins and date of financial training.
Community Speedwatch information
Former resident, asking for information; the Clerk would reply.
7. To receive Councillor’s Reports
Cllr Cliffe had heard of a complaint about mis-use of the car park at Woodyard Drive, but as this was not a Parish Council matter the resident should contact the owners, Bromford.
Cllr Mason reported on the community orchard; the trees would be delivered shortly and volunteers would be needed to help with planting these in November.
Cllr Mason suggested a vote of thanks to a resident present at the meeting for his regular hard work on litter picking around the village and especially along the lane to Harlaston; this was given, along with a round of applause.
Cllr Lacey reported that the information sign in the field between the road and the church needed painting, Cllr Startin would contact those responsible for the sign to ask them to maintain it.
Cllr Wesley mentioned a water leak on Croxall Road which would create a hazard in icy weather; the Clerk would report this to South Staffs Water.
8. To consider any planning matters Applications: 18/01276/FUL Pear Tree Cottage, single storey extension to rear to form dining room, conversion of existing garage to form media room and erection of single storey outbuilding to form garage and gym. RESOLVED no objection. 18/ 01345/FUL Fields Farm Cottage, single storey rear extension to form utility and extend lounge and kitchen. RESOLVED no objection.
9. To receive an update on the bus service Harlaston Parish Council had agreed to join the hire service on a 3 month trial starting 1st November. The cost would be divided proportionally between the 3 Councils which would lessen the cost to Edingale.
10. To consider Parish Council representation at Remembrance services Cllr Wesley would attend the Remembrance Service at Tamworth Hall of Memory on 9th November with representatives of other Councils and lay a wreath on behalf of Edingale Parish Council. Cllr Meikle would attend the Remembrance Service at Holy Trinity Church on 11th November and lay a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council. The Parish Council had been granted 10 silhouettes to represent those who had not returned in 1918.
11. To consider land ownership and tree trimming request at Woodyard Drive. The Clerk had obtained title deeds from the Land Registry which showed that Bromford Housing owned the green area at Woodyard Drive. RESOLVED to write to Bromford to them to take on responsibility for grass cutting, tree maintenance and the paths and for a retrospective contribution for the Parish Council incurring the mowing costs over many years.
12. To consider tree trimming at Blakeways Close. The Village Gardeners had clipped the hedge and assisted with removal of a fallen tree. A member of the public had requested trimming of bushes and a tree to the left of Blakeways Close. RESOLVED that lower branches would be removed but in due course a tree surgeon would need to do the work.
13. To consider Black Horse car park. The landlord had said that the tenants should repair the car park but requested that the Parish Council assist with fundraising. RESOLVED that the Parish Council had no powers to support a business. Cllr Mason would discuss the matter with the tenants.
14. To consider contribution to Senior Citizen’s Christmas Lunch. RESOLVED to approve the contribution to the Village Hall of £500 as in the budget.
15. To consider appointment of Internal Auditor. RESOLVED to approve the appointment of Toplis Associates.
16. To receive the Financial Report. The bank reconciliation was given. The cost of the play lodge and plaque (£2568.10 excluding VAT to be reclaimed) would be transferred from the capital fund (Cooperative Bank 14 day account) to the current account. The paperwork had been completed to open a further Buckingham Building Society fixed rate bond. RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report.
17. To approve the payments on the payment schedule Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £296.82; Perennial Landscapes Ltd, grounds maintenance, £357; K.Pilgrim, flags, £17.91 Elford Parish Council, Solus bus hire, July/August £508; Lichfield District Council, dog waste bin emptying £780; The Village Gardeners, hedge and tree work £100. Pulse Cashflow, Sovereign Play Lodge, authorised retrospectively, £2183.42 RESOLVED to approve the payments.
18. Date of next meeting; Monday 5th November 2018
The meeting closed at 20.40 p.m.