Meeting 2nd September 2024
Parish Council Meetings take place in the Dale Room at Edingale Village Hall at 7.30.
Residents are welcome to attend to raise any issues or comment on agenda items during the public session.
Monday 2nd September 2024 – 7.30 pm
at Edingale Village Hall
1. 116/24 To receive and approve Apologies.
2. 117/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3. 118/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 1st July 2024.
4. 119/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting.
5. 120/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report.
6. 121/24 To consider any Planning matters.
7. 122/24 To consider tree planting on Harlaston Road.
8. 123/24 To consider the draft Flood Plan.
9. 124/24 To consider sending letter of support for new Chetwynd bypass bridge.
10. 125/24 To consider a draft Communications Policy.
11. 126/24 To consider adopting revised Code of Conduct.
12. 127/24 To consider revised Financial Regulations.
13. 128/24 To consider Councillor responsibilities.
14. 129/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports.
15. 130/24 To receive Correspondence.
16. 131/24 To receive a Financial Report.
17. 132/24 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
18. Date of next meeting (Monday 7th October 2024)
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 2nd September 2024
7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present: Cllrs Startin (Chair), Baughen, Cliffe, Maskery, Mason, Meikle and Sivieri.
Present: Clerk, Mrs Jones and 2 members of the public.
116/24 To receive and approve Apologies
All present. District Cllr Bennion had apologised due to illness.
117/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests None.
118/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 1st July 2024 The draft Minutes were approved and signed.
119/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting Residents referred to blocked drains in School Lane, this matter would be covered later in the meeting, as would a query about the former school field.
120/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report
The land formerly used as a school field would be discussed at Staffordshire County Council’s Assets Committee in September. The matter would also be raised with County Cllr Alan White when he attended the village show.
Trees on the island by Black Horse – work had been scheduled by Highways but not yet done so this would be chased up with the Highways Officer.
Severn Trent – no site meeting yet arranged.
Hedge trimming – the Contractor had been asked to trim the hedges as usual in Blakeways/Rowley Close during September.
Resident’s issues raised – on blocked gullies the Highways officer had responded that each blocked gully should be reported separately with photos and had offered to attend a site meeting to discuss these concerns; on the unconnected lamp standard in Hatchett Lane this had been reported and was under investigation.
The Clerk’s holiday dates were given.
121/24 To consider any Planning matters
Former Applications:20/00647/OUT, Land at Walton House – refused by Lichfield District Council due to the impact on the River Mease Special Area of Conservation
24/00608/LBC, 4 Schofield Lane, replacement window – approved
Applications outstanding:24/00066/COU New Buildings Farm; Conversion of an existing outbuilding to be used as a residential annexe (2 bedroom) – to be considered at Lichfield Planning Committee, September 2nd
24/00570/FUH Brookhouse Lodge, awaiting bat roost report
122/24 To consider tree planting on Harlaston Road
Cllr Mason gave an update on this project: Staffordshire County Council’s Climate Action Fund was currently available and an expression of interest had been made to Cllr White for funds to plant trees, a joint application with Harlaston Parish Council would be made. Consent would be required from Lichfield District Council for work to the existing trees, covered by a TPO, and probably also from Natural England, as within the River Mease SSSI. An arborist report on the condition of the trees was required, Cllr Startin would ask a local tree surgeon for advice.
123/24 To consider the draft Flood Plan
RESOLVED to approve the draft Flood Plan which would be reviewed regularly.
It was agreed to write to Sarah Edwards MP asking her to request the Environment Agency to install electronic gauges on the Rivers Mease and Tame at Croxall to show water height as at Clifton and Hopwas, to show the risk of flooding.
Further discussion took place on the possible effects of the proposed pipeline to take treated water from North West Leicestershire to the River Tame at Elford thus avoiding the Mease.
124/24 To consider sending letter of support for new Chetwynd bypass bridge
RESOLVED to send a letter of support for the new bridge to Staffordshire County Council. Sarah Edwards MP would also be asked to support this project and to encourage the County Council to press ahead with obtaining planning permission.
125/24 To consider a draft Communications Policy
RESOLVED to approve the Policy.
126/24 To consider adopting the revised Code of Conduct
RESOLVED to approve the Code of Conduct.
127/24 To consider revised Financial Regulations
RESOLVED to approve the Financial Regulations.
128/24 To consider Councillor responsibilities
RESOLVED to approve the current roles and responsibilities
129/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Meikle – the Best Kept Village Awards evening would take place on October 14th, invitations to be sent out shortly by the organisers.
Cllr Sivieri – the Clerk had informed him of a resident’s concern about remarks on his personal social media page, he explained that he had written this in his own name not as a Cllr, and that they could have raised it with him or can unfollow him, and he would carry on stating his own opinions. The Clerk and Chair advised this had not breached the Code of Conduct but Cllrs should take care that any comments on social media did not reflect adversely on the Parish Council.
Cllr Mason – asked whether the hedge at the County Council land should be maintained pending a decision on ownership. Cllr Startin would arrange for this to be done. Tree inspections around the village were due. He also asked about defibrillator training – Cllr Maskery would contact the trainer.
130/24 To receive Correspondence
• Staffordshire Parish Councils Association weekly bulletins and information.
• Lichfield DC Parish Network meeting 16th October, 6pm Shenstone library
• Trent Rivers Trust, talk about natural flood management, Breedon
• Staffordshire County Council – Communities Strategy, Local Transport Plan, Climate Action fund information
• Resident regarding speeding motorbikes on A513 – Safer Roads contacted
• Road notices, A513 closed overnight 9th-10th October at railway bridge, Harlaston Lane closed 9th – 13th September
131/24 To receive a Financial Report
Bank reconciliation £18,020. RESOLVED to approve the report. See appendix 1.
132/234 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule
Staff costs: salary, expenses, pension and PAYE, £419.87;
The Village Gardeners, grounds maintenance and sign cleaning £646.48;
Martin Turkington, pump repair £150.
RESOLVED to approve the payments. Cllr Sivieri to authorise.
Date of next meeting
Monday 7th October 2024, 7.30 pm Meeting closed at 8.50 pm.
Appendix 1 Financial Report September 2024
Bank Reconciliation Current
Balance bf 9,904.94 Cooperative
less payments 8,755.35 Community Acc.
Plus receipts 16,871.16
Total 18,020.75 18,020.75
VAT reclaim – sum received £247.16
Capital Funds
Cooperative Buckinghamshire TOTAL
14 Day account Bond CAPITAL
1.63% 5%
10,766.19 50,921.50 61,687.69
Interest rate on Co-op account to reduce to 1.53 from 21st October. It is helpful to have the fund available in this account as easy access due to no notice. Buckinghamshire funds are tied up until November each year.