Meeting 4th March 2024
Meeting in the Dale Room, residents welcome to observe or ask questions during the public session.
Monday 4th March 2024 – 7.30 pm
at Edingale Village Hall
1. 32/24 To receive and approve Apologies.
2. 33/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3. 34/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 5th February 2024.
4. 35/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the Meeting.
5. 36/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report.
6. 37/24 To consider any Planning matters.
7. 38/24 To consider tree replacement on Harlaston Road.
8. 39/24 To consider Best Kept Village Community Competition.
9. 40/24 To consider attendance at Sarah Edwards M.P.’s Flooding Summit.
10. 41/24 To consider dog fouling and consultation on Public Space Protection Order.
12. 42/24 To consider a Biodiversity Policy.
13. 43/24 To consider Hedgehog highway project.
14. 44/24 To review and ratify the Financial Risk Register.
15. 45/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports.
16. 46/24 To receive Correspondence.
17. 47/24 To receive a Financial Report.
18. 48/24 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
19. 49/24 To agree dates of next meeting (Monday 8th April 2024) and Annual and Parish meetings.
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 4th March 2024
7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present:
Cllrs Startin(Chair), Baughen, Cliffe, Mason, Meikle and Sivieri.
Present: Clerk, Mrs Jones, District Cllr Bennion, 10 members of the public.
32/24 To receive and approve Apologies
Cllr Maskery had apologised due to representing the Council at another meeting and her apology was accepted.
33/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests Cllr Mason declared an interest as a repayment was due to him under item 48.
34/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 5th February 2024 The draft Minutes were approved and signed.
35/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting Several members of the public had attended to discuss antisocial behaviour and damage caused by some local youths. Further information would be shared with the PCSOs who would be asked to inform the parents.
Another member of the public reported that drains outside the school were blocked. This had previously been reported but would be done again.
A resident asked about leaf debris on the main road near to the Raddle Lane junction and about road sweeping. Cllr Startin would check about digging this area back to the kerb so that road sweeping could be done more effectively.
Flooding was discussed and a representative from Clifton Campville Parish Council suggested that the construction of Mercia Park may be increasing local flows to the River Mease. Concerns were raised about the impact of flooded roads on those needing to travel to work or those needing emergency services or social care. Cllr Mason would represent local Parish Councils at a Floding Summit organised by the M.P., Cllr Bennion regretted that the District Cllrs had not been invited to this.
Cllr Bennion reported on the setting of the Council Tax at under the inflation rate, and said that the Boundary Commission would place the Mease Valley in a county ward with Alrewas which was supported by the District Council.
A Cllr from Clifton said that due to the possibility of local development their Council was considering a Neighbourhood Plan; Cllr Meikle said that previously this had been discussed by Edingale but it had not been thought to give great benefit.
36/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report
Flooding – blocked drain in Lullington Road reported. The Parish Council had begun recording closures of flooded roads. Request made to Highways to remove road closure signs promptly after flooding.
Hedges – a message on Facebook had asked residents to trim overhanging growth and briars. Ideally others should not cut them without checking with landowners.
Meeting regarding traffic organisation at Catton Festivals – Cllr Maskery attending.
Trees at the island near the Black Horse – Highways confirmed this land was under their control; report made asking them to inspect and trim the trees.
Dangerous behaviour on bikes – PCSO informed and asked to deal with this.
Social Progress Index – priorities to be listed and communicated to the Councils.
Dropped kerb – only landowners are able to apply for this to Highways.
Severn Trent – no update; helpful to request a meeting to discuss the drainage.
37/24 To consider any Planning matters Walton Bridge – acknowledgement received from South Derbyshire CC to Edingale PC’s objection letter to increased building before the bridge was constructed. Neighbourhood Plan – approach by Clifton Campville Parish Council; unlikely that Edingale would have development due to the River Mease and its location but a joint meeting with local councils and planners could be helpful.
38/24 To consider tree replacement on Harlaston Road Cllr Mason had contacted the District Council’s tree officer regarding TPOs and the application process for removal of dead trees; ideally a site meeting with the Tree Officer, landowner and representative of Harlaston Parish Council to be organised.
39/24 To consider entry to Best Kept Village Community Competition Entry to be made by 31 March; Cllr Meikle would circulate the draft entry to Cllrs. He would issue a weekly update on Facebook and had encouraged volunteers to attend the Village Hall clean up even on 23rd March. Road sweeper to be requested and Bromford asked to mow grass at Woodyard Drive before judging. New information notice boards to be obtained for the bus shelter.
40/24 To consider attendance at Sarah Edwards M.P.’s Flooding Summit RESOLVED that Cllr Mason would attend on behalf of the Parish Council and to put forward points of view raised by the Mease Parish Councils.
41/24 To consider dog fouling and consultation on Public Space Protection Order Residents asked on Facebook to clear up dog fouling. Lichfield’s Environment Protection Manager had offered to deliver cards containing details of how to report the issue and more signs would be requested. The Parish Council had been consulted on the renewal of Lichfield District Council’s Public Space Protection Order and would request the exclusion of dogs from the enclosed play park at the Village Hall field.
42/24 To consider a Biodiversity Policy Cllrs to review the draft document before the next meeting.
43/24 To consider Hedgehog highway project Information to be put on Facebook to establish interest from the public.
44/24 To review and ratify the Financial Risk Register RESOLVED to approve the revised register.
45/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports Cllr Cliffe referred to the pedestrianisation scheme in Lichfield city centre and said that disabled and elderly residents would find it difficult to access services. Lichfield District Council would be contacted on this.
Cllr Meikle asked about regulations governing Parish Councils and the Clerk explained that Edingale Parish Council conformed with data protection regulations and other laws governing its activities.
Cllr Sivieri mentioned the defibrillators and asked if the codes were accessible in an emergency; Cllr Maskery checks these quarterly and sends the information to The Circuit who shares details of codes and location with the Ambulance Service. He had also sent information from Highways about spending of HS2 funding on transport in Staffordshire, all currently in more populated areas.
Cllr Mason reported on correspondence regarding Harlaston Road’s name and its recognition by road planners. He had replaced the barrel by the village pump and trimmed back overgrowth; it was agreed to ask the bricklayer to finish the work as the bricks had been found. There was no update on the land at the Village Hall field or the Academy status. He thanked Cllr Startin for the hedge trimming work.
Cllr Startin said that the County Council was still in discussion with landowners regarding the site for the replacement Chetwynd Bridge.
46/24 To receive Correspondence Staffordshire Parish Councils Association weekly bulletins and updated legal guidance on funding of church property by Parish Councils.
47/24 To receive a Financial Report
The bank reconciliation stood at £10,727.
RESOLVED to ratify the earmarked funds of £61,601.16 for asset replacement.
RESOLVED to approve the report. See appendix 1.
48/234 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
Staff costs; salary, expenses, pension and PAYE, £426.97;
Staffordshire County Council, Website annual fee £131.95
A. Mason, reimburse plant barrels and supplies £87.97
BCW Office Products, road sign fixings £128.04
CPRE membership £3
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments. Cllr Startin would authorise these.
49/24 Date of next meeting
Monday 8th April 2024, followed by May 7 provisional date for the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council and Annual Parish Meeting (if Dale Room available)
Meeting closed at 9pm.
Appendix 1 Financial Report, March 2024
(a) Bank reconciliation
Bank Reconciliation Actual excl.transfers Current
Balance bf 9,995.92 Cooperative
less payments 29,868.42 24095.91 Community Acc.
Plus receipts 30,600.09 19073.58
Total 10,727.59 10,727.59
(b) Budget comparison
Heading Budget To year end Remaining
Staff costs 4600 4773 -173
Admin 2879 2365 514
Room hire, taxi, subs etc
Maint. 6921 9062 -2141
Grass cutting, trees etc
S137 2400 1600 800
Donations, church, party
(c) Capital fund
Parish Council to ratify the earmarked funds of £61,601.16 being carried forward to financial year 2024-25.
Capital Funds
Cooperative Buckinghamshire Cambridge TOTAL CAPITAL
14 Day account Bond Council Saver
1.63% 5% 2.90%
10679.66 50921.50 0.00 61,601.16
closed Dec 23
Received interest
1218.51 128.60
193.94 1285.58 128.60