Meeting 4th November 2024
This Meeting will be held in the Main Hall at Edingale Village Hall
The public are welcome to ask questions during the public session.
Monday 4th November 2024 – 7.30 pm
at Edingale Village Hall
1. 148/24 To receive and approve Apologies.
2. 149/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3. 150/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 7th October 2024.
4. 151/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting.
5. 152/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report.
6. 153/24 To consider any Planning matters.
7. 154/24 To consider tree planting on Harlaston Road.
8. 155/24 To consider defibrillator training.
9. 156/24 To consider a donation towards new Village Hall doors.
10.157/24 To consider contributing towards Village Hall insurance and park repairs.
11.158/24 To consider Local Government Services Pay Agreement 2024-25.
12. 159/24 To consider the Council’s response to government consultation on enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings.
13.160/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports.
14.161/24 To receive Correspondence.
15.162/24 To receive a Financial Report.
16.163/24 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
Date of next meeting (Monday 2nd December 2024)
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 4th November 2024
7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present: Mason (Chair), Baughen, Cliffe, Maskery, Meikle and Sivieri.
Present: Clerk, Mrs Jones, District Cllr Bennion and 7 members of the public.
148/24 To receive and approve Apologies
Cllrs Startin had apologised due to holiday, his apology was accepted. Proposed Cllr Maskery, seconded Cllr Baughen, Cllr Mason to Chair the meeting – approved.
149/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests
Cllr Cliffe; items 156 and 157, member of the Village Hall Committee.
150/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 7th October 2024
The draft Minutes were approved and signed.
151/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting
Cllr Bennion reported on the consultation on the Lichfield Local Plan and the 4 options for development which had been put forward.
He gave details of a meeting he had organised about the proposed Mease pipeline during the following week. A resident commended Cllr Meikle for his hard work on Best Kept Village.
The Village Hall Chair explained the requests for financial assistance from the Parish Council which would be considered later in the meeting.
152/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report
Chetwynd Bridge – County Cllrs contacted following press report on the issue, asking for better barriers and improved enforcement of weight and width limit.
Mease Valley pipeline – route not yet confirmed, Cllrs invited to a meeting.
Meeting with Highways Officer – resulted in various reports and actions on drains.
Severn Trent – damaged fence on their property reported.
Former school field – County Council to consider, then issue draft Lease.
Work on Pessall Brook – undertaken by Trent Rivers Trust along Pessall Lane.
Quote for tree trimming – Rowley/Blakeways Close work to be done.
Christmas illuminations – tree and lights to be organised.
153/24 To consider any Planning matters
Consultation on new Local Plan; working group Cllrs Mason, Meikle and Maskery.
154/24 To consider tree planting on Harlaston Road
Cllr Mason gave an update on this project planned with Harlaston Parish Council.
155/24 To consider defibrillator training.
Available from two providers; RESOLVED to organise through Tamworth Have a Heart, for a donation, Cllr Baughen to find available dates.
156/24 To consider a donation towards new Village Hall doors.
RESOLVED in principle to make a donation from the capital fund and to ask the Village Hall Committee to arrange quotes for consideration at a future meeting.
157/24 To consider contributing to Village Hall insurance and park repair RESOLVED to make a donation for park repairs, £1000 already in the budget, invoice to Edingale Parish Council. RESOLVED to contribute to running costs from the revenue budget, amount to be decided during budget discussions.
158/24 To consider Local Government Services Pay Agreement 2024-25. RESOLVED to note the changes to salary rate and to back pay.
159/24 To consider the Council’s response to government consultation on enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings. RESOLVED the Clerk to respond on behalf of the Parish Council.
160/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Sivieri: resident complaint about a blocked drain, advised report to Staffordshire Highways. Also overgrown hedge near railway bridge junction; advise report to Highways. Cllr Sivieri to attend Remembrance Service at Holy Trinity Church; he had displayed the figures of the fallen. Cllr Meikle received two Best Kept Village commendation certificates at the awards evening, he was thanked for coordinating Edingale’s entry again this year.
Cllr Mason had been informed by Highways that the potholes in the far section of Pessall Lane were in an unadopted section. Clerk to investigate further.
145/24 To receive Correspondence
Staffordshire Parish Councils Association weekly bulletins; Resident – Moores Croft hedge cutting, Cllr Startin to be reminded; Trent Rivers Trust, natural flood management; Sakura Cherry tree project, expression of interest to be sent; Citizen’s Advice information, gauge interest on Facebook; TDCS Hall of Memory remembrance event, send apologies; Resident regarding parking on the green, Cllrs to look into this. The correspondence had been circulated to Cllrs and was noted.
162/24 To receive a Financial Report
See appendix 1.RESOLVED to approve the report.
163/234 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule
Staff costs: salary, expenses, pension and PAYE, £428;
The Village Gardeners, grounds maintenance £644.48, hedges £140;
Cloud Next, annual email renewal £59.98
RESOLVED to approve the payments. Cllr Maskery to authorise.
Date of next meeting
Monday 2nd December 2024, 7.30 pm. Meeting closed at 21.15 pm.
Appendix 1 Financial Report November 2024
(a) Bank Reconciliation
Balance bf 9,904.94 Cooperative
less payments 11,739.37 Community Acc.
Plus receipts 16,871.16
Total 15,036.73 15,036.73
(b) Capital Funds
Cooperative Buckinghamshire TOTAL
14 Day account Bond CAPITAL
1.63% 5%
10,853.43 50,921.50 61,774.93
Received interest
5.4.24 86.53
4.10.24 87.24
Re-investment of Buckinghamshire Bond to be done in late November.
(c) Budget 2025-6
Preparation to take place in November.