Meeting 6th September 2021
The Meeting will take place at Edingale Village Hall.
Agenda available the week before the meeting. See below.
Please contact before then with issues to raise.
Monday 6th September 2021 at 7.30
at Edingale Village Hall
- [57] To receive and approve apologies.
- [58] To receive any Declarations of Interests.
- [59] To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 5th July 2021.
- [60] To adjourn the meeting, to hold the public session, to reconvene.
- [61] To receive the Clerk’s Report.
- [62] To consider any planning matters, including Lullington solar farm.
- [63] To consider progress on ownership of footway at Church Lane.
- [64] To consider progress on village name signs.
- [65] To consider provision of a litter bin at Croxall Lakes reserve.
- [66] To consider request for traffic calming measures.
- [67] To consider the Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party.
- [68] To consider outcomes from Cllrs training course.
- [69] To receive Councillors’ reports.
- [70] To receive correspondence.
- [71] To receive a Financial Report.
- [72] To approve payments on the payment schedule.
- [73] Date of next meeting (Monday 4th October).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 6th September 2021
at 7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present: Cllrs Startin (Chair), Cliffe, Dhillon, Mason, Purkess
Present: County Cllr Alan White, two members of the public, Mrs M Jones, Clerk.
57.To receive and approve apologies
Cllr Lacey and Cllr Meikle had apologised, the apologies were accepted.
58.To receive any Declarations of Interest
Cllr Purkess declared an interest as Treasurer of the Village Hall in item 67.
To approve the draft Minutes of the meeting of 5th July 2021
The Minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
60. To hold the public session
The meeting was adjourned. Two residents expressed their concerns about school transport; the Temporary Vacant Seat Scheme had been suspended so pupils who were in the sixth form were unable to use the High School bus, even though there were spare seats, due to government guidance on Public Service Vehicle Accessibility Regulations.
Cllr Alan White explained the County Council’s position and legal implications. Parents were encouraged to respond to a survey to indicate how this affected them. Meetings were being held with operators to investigate a solution and he would report back to them on the points expressed here.
A long discussion took place on the particular impact on Edingale due to its rural location and as it now had no public transport at all; it was difficult for working parents to arrange other transport, local taxi providers had indicated they had insufficient drivers, this would increase car transport at a time when climate change was an issue, and it could even deter people from moving to Edingale.
Although parents were willing to pay if required, Cllrs suggested that as the regulations meant that they could no longer pay to use the spare seats an option would be to let the sixth formers use them for free. Meanwhile everyone affected should register an interest in having a seat and should complete the survey.
Cllr White was thanked for attending and listening to these concerns in person.
The meeting was then reconvened.
61.To receive the Clerk’s report
One nomination for honours had been submitted, and further information would be obtained on another nominee.
Lichfield District Council had been informed that some village roads had been missed by the street cleaning contractors, they had returned and cleaned them.
Information on the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee weekend had been forwarded to the Village Hall. This could be discussed at a future meeting if necessary.
62.To consider any planning matters
(a) Lullington Solar Farm
Following discussion the Parish Council agreed that there would be minimal effect on Edingale and renewable electricity would be a priority over the next few years. It was RESOLVED unanimously not to object to the proposal.
(b) Updates:
20/00647/OUT Church Hollow | Outline application for dwelling | New case officer appointed |
21/00475/FUH The Old Post Office | Removal of porch, 2 storey extension, replacement conservatory | Pending consideration |
21/00500/FUL 5 Holding, Pessall Lane | Replacement of barn | Pending |
21/00553/FUH 12 Church Lane | Single storey extension | Approved |
21/01032/ FUH 7 Rowley Close | Conversion of garage | Approved |
21/01129/FUL Mease Meadows | Erection of farm building with parking, fencing and gates for dog kennels | Pending. Parish Council concerns about noise sent |
21/01247/FUH Mytholme Cottage | Conversion of garage to annexe | Pending.
No objection |
21/01279/FUL New Buildings Farm | Conversion of building to 2 dwellings | Pending. Objection sent |
To consider progress on ownership of footway at Church Lane
The Clerk had contacted Lichfield Diocese who had provided a copy of a Deed of Grant from 1986 which granted a Right of Way and access to services over the footway near to Church Farm. The red line on the Deed plan showed Holy Trinity Church’s ownership of the footpath. The Parish Council Minutes of 2001 showed that they had funded the resurfacing of the path with tarmac, although ownership had not then been ascertained, as a village survey that year had shown that residents felt that this was a priority.
It was RESOLVED that as the church owned the footway they would be responsible for its maintenance. However, the Parish Council would continue the current arrangement for its contractor to strim the grassed area between the pathway and Church Lane.
To consider progress on village name signs
The working group had met to discuss the outcomes of correspondence with Highways who had clarified their requirements and advised that a Section 50 Licence was required plus a Permit to Dig for each road, with a charge for each. The Clerk would obtain some costs for the type of sign required.
To consider provision of a litter bin at Croxall Lakes reserve
Although the Councillors were in favour of providing a bin to keep the car park tidy the District Council would be asked about the possibility of having a pre-used one and then requested to arrange installation.
To consider request for traffic calming measures
A Mary Howard School Governor had requested that the Parish Council look at traffic calming around the school and Staffordshire County Council had been contacted. They no longer ran the 20 is plenty scheme and recommended the Community Speed Watch Scheme, which had lacked volunteers in Edingale, or the installation of flashing speed signs. The Clerk would obtain costs for such signs.
To consider the Senior Citizen’s Christmas Party
It was RESOLVED that a donation of £500 would be made towards the costs of the party arranged by the Village Hall, this was the agreed sum in the annual budget.
To consider outcomes from Cllrs training course
This was deferred; it was agreed that due to the time required it would take place prior to the November meeting, when all Councillors hoped to attend.
To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Mason asked for Village Gardeners to be instructed to do the autumn hedge cutting.
Cllr Startin would also arrange for the Village Hall field hedges to be trimmed. He mentioned the need for a lockable barrier at the far end of the field and Cllr Purkess would inform the Committee and obtain a padlock with the same combination number as at the Village Hall.
Cllr Mason had also been approached by a resident saying that the far end of the field looked unkempt. After discussion it was agreed that this was better for wildlife. Consequently he suggested that the Parish Council should discuss issues concerning biodiversity and the effects of climate change at a future meeting.
To receive correspondence
SPCA bulletins, training courses
Lichfield District Council; funding for local businesses, Service of Remembrance and Reflection, CIL information, funding opportunities
Eon, business changes and price increase for seasonal lighting
Resident regarding lack of progress on planning application at Church Hollow; the Planning Department had been contacted
Resident query, possible delays at Chetwynd Bridge; this was due to survey work. Cllrs had raised concerns in August about Bloodstock delays caused by a breakdown but it was agreed that traffic management had worked quite well, although Edingale did not appear to be on the mailing list to be informed about events.
To receive a Financial Report
A bank reconciliation was given. The current account stood at £17,555.94; capital totalled £69,077. Expenditure against budget was in line with expectations.
72.To approve the payments on the payment schedule
Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £346.82;
Village Gardeners, August mowing, £490.46;
HMRC, PAYE, £17.60
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments, Cllr Dhillon would authorise these.
73.Date of next meeting
Monday 4th October, 7.30 at Edingale Village Hall
The meeting closed at 9 p.m.