Meeting 7th June 2021
This will be a very short meeting to approve the Annual Governance and Audit Report.
Social distancing measures will be in place.
Monday 7th June 2021 at 7.30 at Edingale Village Hall
- [33] To receive and approve apologies.
- [34] To receive any Declarations of Interests.
- [35] To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of 4th May 2021.
- [36] To receive and note the Annual Audit Report.
- [37] To approve the Annual Governance Statement.
- [38] To approve the Annual Accounting Statements.
- [39] To approve the Certificate of Exemption from a limited assurance
- [40] To receive any urgent Councillors’ reports.
- [41] To approve payments on the payment schedule.
- [42] Date of next meeting (Monday 5th July).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 7th June 2021
at 7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall.
Members present:
Cllr Startin (Chair)
Cllr Cliffe
Cllr Dhillon
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Meikle
Present: Mrs M Jones, Clerk.
33. To receive and approve apologies
Cllr Purkess had apologised as she was on holiday.
34.To receive any Declarations of Interest
Cllr Mason declared an interest in the payments, item 41, as he was to be reimbursed for plants purchased for the village tubs.
- To approve the draft Minutes of the meeting of 4th May 2021 The Minutes were approved and signed by the Chair, along with past Minutes of meetings held virtually.
36. To receive and note the Annual Internal Audit Report
It was RESOLVED to receive and note the Annual Internal Audit Report for 2020-21.
37.To approve the Annual Governance Statement
It was RESOLVED to approve and sign the Annual Governance Statement 2020-21.
38.To approve the Annual Accounting Statements.
It was RESOLVED to approve and sign the Annual Accounting Statements 2020-21.
39. To certify the Parish Council’s exemption from a limited assurance
It was RESOLVED to certify that Edingale Parish Council was exempt from a limited assurance review for 2020-21.
- To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Cliffe said that the potholes in Pessall Lane were in a bad state. These would be reported again to Highways by the Clerk.
Cllr Meikle reported on concerns expressed by some residents about access to the open space. Nearby residents would be made aware of the issue.
The District Council had installed two pre-used litter bins and these were being painted by Cllrs Meikle and Mason.
Cllr Dhillon said that the previous issues with a parked car on the lane continued; PCSO Costas Karpi would be informed of the details by the Clerk.
Cllr Mason confirmed that the contractor had installed a new bridge on the Right of Way south of the church, an excellent job had been done.
He had attended the Trent Rivers Conference on behalf of local parishes which had been very interesting.
Cllr Startin would contact the tree surgeon regarding the inspection.
Cllr Startin reported that the local verges needed mowing to improve visibility. Cllrs said that those within the villages had been done.
Details of the Chetwynd Bridge renovation had been forwarded by Highways, work was hoped to begin later in June and there would be two phases of around 6 months.
41.To approve the payments on the payment schedule
Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £259.16;
Village Gardeners, May mowing, £490.46;
Staffordshire Parish Councils Association, Cllr training, £100;
Toplis Associates, Auditor fee, £135;
Lichfield District Council, dog waste and litter bin emptying, £967.20;
A Mason, plants, £83.35.
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments, Cllr Dhillon would authorise these.
42. Date of next meeting
Monday 5th July, 7.30 at Edingale Village Hall
The meeting closed at 8 p.m.