Meeting 7th November 2022
Meetings are held in the Meeting Room of Edingale Village Hall
Agenda available below.
Monday 7th November 2022
7.30 pm at Edingale Village Hall
1. 104/22 To receive and approve Apologies.
2. 105/22 To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3. 106/22 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 3rd October 2022.
4. 107/22 To adjourn the Meeting, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting.
5. 108/22 To receive the Clerk’s Report.
6. 109/22 To consider any Planning matters
7. 110/22 To consider development of a Parish Council logo.
8. 111/22 To receive an update on the village gateways.
9. 112/22 To consider the taxi service.
10. 113/22 To consider quote for tree surgery.
11. 114/22 To receive any Councillors’ Reports.
12. 115/22 To receive Correspondence.
13. 116/22 To receive a Financial Report
14. 117/22 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
15. 118/22 Date of next meeting (Monday 5th December 2022).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 7th November 2022
7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present:
Cllrs Startin (Chair), Dhillon, Cliffe, Lacey, Maskery, Mason and Meikle
Present: Mrs M Jones, Clerk, 3 members of the public
104/22. To receive and approve apologies
None, all present.
105/22. To receive any Declarations of Interest
None given.
106/22. To approve the draft Minutes of the meeting of 3rd October 2022 The draft Minutes were approved and signed.
107/22 To adjourn the meeting, to hold the public session, to reconvene
The members of the public had attended to observe the meeting but had no comments to make.
108/22 To receive the Clerk’s Report
Remembrance Service – Cllr Meikle would attend the service at Holy Trinity Church and lay a wreath on behalf of the Parish Council.
Christmas lights – the number of displays would be the same as last year, the electrician had been asked to put up the lights. Village Gardeners would be asked to obtain a Christmas tree for the site near the school as previously agreed.
Defibrillators – Cllr Maskery had arranged the software updates which were now complete and had organised new batteries, she would be reimbursed for these.
Maintenance – Village Gardeners had confirmed that the weeds on the path at the Rowley Close land had been treated and the hedges had been trimmed, work on the path beyond the church had now begun.
109/22 To consider any Planning matters.
(a) 22/01224/FUL The previous application at Glebefields had been approved for a replacement dwelling and detached garage to replace the existing agricultural building and change of use of agricultural land to residential.
(b) 22/01204/FUH Willow Cottage Church Hollow; two storey side and front extension. Amended plans had been received but no comment was required.
(c) 22/01479/FUH 24 Church Lane; first floor extension, single storey front and rear extension. It was agreed that there was no objection to be made to this by the Parish Council; it was an improvement to the property with no adverse effect on neighbouring properties.
110/22 To consider development of a Parish Council logo.
The designer had asked about the details required and after discussion it was agreed to confirm the Cllrs’ preferences to her. Proofs could then be provided for approval at a future meeting.
111/22 To receive an update on the village gateways
Cllrs Startin and Mason had met at the Croxall Road site and agreed a final location acceptable to all, the school had agreed to a slight cutting back of their hedge to assist with this. This would mean that the gates at this entrance were almost opposite each other. Highways had been asked again when Amey their contractor would install the gateways and a response was awaited.
112/22 To consider the taxi service
The Parish Council had been sad to hear that Mrs Masters who had organised this service for some years had passed away. Her neighbour was willing to liaise with potential passengers and the taxi company; his details would be advertised.
Discussion took place on the future of the service as costs were increasing and more passengers would help to share these. It was agreed to ask the passengers to donate £8 per trip. Cllr Maskery would produce information to share with those attending the Christmas lunch in an endeavour to make this more widely used.
The Cllrs all agreed that it was important to offer this service to the community.
113/22 To consider a quote for tree surgery
The tree surgeon had quoted £290 to remove 3 dead trees and trim branches of 2 other trees and it was resolved to accept the quote. He would be asked to do the work either before or after the Christmas lights were put up.
114/22 To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Meikle referred to his Best Kept Village Report and said that this would be done when the Judges’ comments had been received. He pointed out that the taxi service would qualify as an activity that helped the life of the community and this was an aspect of the competition that Edingale had done well in this year.
He mentioned that there had been comments about the untidy state of the lower hedge to the right of Blakeways Close where the machinery had not reached when clearance had been done and it was agreed that the hedge cutter would tidy this area and this would be done shortly.
Cllr Meikle had also been approached by residents who found it difficult for their dogs to use the stile on the path from Blakeways Close. It was agreed that that there was no obligation to provide access for dogs and that although landowners should maintain Rights of Way across their land, they would take measures to prevent their stock escaping. Staffordshire County Council had responsibility for Rights of Way and encouraged Parish Councils to help with routine maintenance. Cllr Dhillon asked the Clerk to obtain information on the responsibilities for Rights of Way, these would be sent to the Cllrs.
Cllr Lacey mentioned that the builders at the Old Post Office had been obstructing the pavement so that people had to step into the road. Cllr Maskery agreed to pass on this concern to the owner and ask them to speak to the builders.
Cllr Mason noted that various hedges had been trimmed and the footways were easier to access.
115/22 To receive Correspondence
SPCA bulletins and information on next year’s subscription.
National Grid, request for details of Christmas lights for billing purposes.
Lichfield District Council, survey on the future of the District
Gallagher Insurers, newsletter.
Cllr Wheelton; Chetwynd Bridge traffic issues and Walton Bridge information. An update would be requested on Chetwynd Bridge from the engineer.
Lichfield District Councillor Cllr Yeates update; news of £300 fund for local organisations, warm space available at Frog Lane offices, recycling successes, plan for cinema and restaurants at former Debenhams store.
116/22 To receive a Financial Report
See appendix 1
It was proposed by Cllr Mason and seconded by Cllr Dhillon that the Parish Council would pay the Clerk in accordance with the National Salary Award 2022-23.
117/22 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
Staff costs; salary, expenses, pension and PAYE, £400.92
Acorn Taxi, £171.36
Village Gardeners, mowing and strimming, £539.50
Cllr Maskery, reimburse cost of defibrillator batteries,£396.00
Edingale Village Hall, donation, £500
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments; Cllr Dhillon would authorise these.
118/22 Date of next meeting
Monday 5th December 2022.
The January Meeting would fall on a bank holiday – alternatives Tuesday 3rd or Thursday 5th January 2023 to be agreed at the next meeting.
The meeting closed at 8.30 pm