Meeting 8th January 2018
Meeting of Edingale Parish Council
Location: Edingale Village Hall
Date: Monday 8th January 2018
Time: 7.30 pm
1. To receive and approve apologies.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest.
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 4th December 2017.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session (maximum 15 minutes) and to reconvene the meeting.
5. To receive the Clerk’s report.
6. To receive correspondence.
7. To receive Councillor’s reports.
8. To consider any planning matters.
9. To consider the future of the bus service.
10. To consider the Village Hall play area.
11. To consider purchase of speed camera signs.
12. To consider the website.
13. To receive the Financial Report.
14. To approve payments on the payment schedule.
15. Date of next meeting. (Monday 5th February 2018).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 5th February 2018
at 7.30 pm at Edingale Village Hall.
Members present:
Cllr Wesley (Chair)
Cllr Cliffe
Cllr Dhillon
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Startin
Cllr Van Arkadie
Mrs M Jones, Clerk, and 4 members of the public.
1. To receive apologies
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest
There were no pecuniary interests to declare. Cllrs Mason and Cliffe had an interest in item 10.
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 4th December 2017
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair. Cllr Mason asked for the words ‘to be put on the next agenda’ to be added after resolved.
4. To adjourn the meeting, hold the public session, and reconvene the meeting
The representative from Bromford Homes reported on issues concerning residents. There had been a recent altercation involving a resident which would be investigated and dealt with appropriately. There was still concern about the bus service, although nothing further was known about what would happen after the withdrawal of subsidies at the end of March. The damaged road surface in Woodyard Drive would be repaired shortly in the interests of safety.
The Chair of the Village Hall Committee reported that running costs were covered by hire charges, leaving fund raising to cover repairs and maintenance. Some grant applications had been unsuccessful, and there were still discussions with the insurers over the drainage. It was hoped to prioritise the installation of WIFI and a sound system. This would be another busy year, with 15 events planned.
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report
Environmental Health had contacted the Parish Council asking for more information on the dog fouling report made after the last meeting. The warden had visited the village and would do so again.
A resident had contacted the District Council to request that the road sweeper would clean the roads, and this should be done shortly. He had also reported that overgrown bushes at the end of Hatchett Lane would be trimmed to improve visibility.
Staffordshire County Council had begun consulting on the future of the library service. The mobile library service would continue to serve the village, with the large library vehicle replaced by a smaller one.
6. To receive correspondence
SPCA bulletins
Lichfield District Council; Season’s Greetings from Chair, Consultation on Local Plan Allocations Report and Scoping Report.
TDCS Armistice Service 2018 would take place on Friday 9th November.
7. To receive Councillor’s Reports
Cllr Mason had reported a faulty street light in Blakeways Close.
Cllr Dhillon reported on a large pothole in Pessall Lane, near to the right turn. There was also a pothole opposite 12 Pessall Lane. The Clerk would report these to Highways. He asked that Highways be requested to notify residents before undertaking work on the lane.
Cllr Van Arkadie reported that information signs at Croxall Lakes had been vandalised, and suggested that Staffordshire Wildlife Trust be informed.
8. To consider any planning matters The Clerk had prepared a draft letter to the Planning Department objecting to the application for Change of Use of the Black Horse. Cllrs noted that there was still a group of residents interested in purchasing/leasing the pub if it came up for sale at the right price, they felt it could still be financially viable. It was proposed by Cllr Dhillon, seconded by Cllr Van Arkadie and RESOLVED unanimously to send the objection letter.
9. To consider the future of the bus service Solus had given up the contract and Central Buses Ltd had taken over the service until 31st March. It was not known what would happen after that. Nothing further had been heard from Cllr White or the other local councils, but it was now too late to raise precepts to contribute. If anything further was heard Cllrs would be contacted.
10. To consider the Village Hall play area The Committee had decided not to proceed with the agreement, preferring the flexibility of organising repairs when required, and had instead applied for £1000 towards their insurance costs. It was proposed by Cllr Mason, seconded by Cllr Dhillon and RESOLVED unanimously to grant the Village Hall Committee £1,000. Cllr Dhillon requested that evidence of the accounts be available before payment was made.
11. To consider purchase of speed camera signs It had been suggested that speed camera warning signs should be purchased, this would not proceed. Local discussion about the advantages of speed cameras had indicated a division of opinion on speed cameras among local people. No further progress would be made unless the Safer Roads Partnership provided traffic speed figures; they would be chased up again.
12. To consider the website Cllr Dhillon offered to contact someone locally to advise, this would be put on the next agenda.
13. To receive the Financial Report The bank reconciliation was given, there was currently £5423 in the current account.
14. To approve the payments on the payment schedule Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £168.37; RESOLVED to approve the payment 18. Date of next meeting; Monday 5th February 2018
The meeting closed at 8.40 p.m.