Meeting 13th May 2019
Annual Meeting of Edingale Parish Council
Location: Edingale Village Hall
Date: Monday 13th May 2019
Time: 8 pm
1. To appoint a Chair of the Parish Council. To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Office. To appoint a Vice Chair (if required).
2. To receive and approve apologies.
3. To co-opt a Member to fill a vacancy on the Parish Council.
4. To receive Members’ Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Registers of Interests.
5. To receive any Declarations of Interest.
6. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 1st April 2019.
7. To review and approve Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.
8. To review representation on other bodies including Parish Forum and Village Hall.
9. To review assets, insurance and financial risk assessment.
10. To review other Parish Council policies.
11. To receive the Clerk’s report.
12. To consider any planning matters.
13. To consider information on Catton Hall festival traffic.
14. To receive correspondence.
15. To receive Councillors’ reports.
16. To receive the Financial Report.
17. To approve payments on the payment schedule.
18. Date of next meeting – Monday 3rd June 2019.
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 13th May 2019
at 7.30 pm at Edingale Village Hall.
Members present:
Cllr Startin (Chair)
Cllr Cliffe
Cllr Dhillon
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Meikle
Mrs M Jones, Clerk, and 2 members of the public.
1. To appoint a Chair of the Parish Council. To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Office. Cllr Startin was nominated as Chair by Cllr Mason, seconded by Cllr Cliffe and approved unanimously. The Declaration was signed. Cllr Startin asked for a letter of thanks to be sent to Cliff Wesley who had left the Council after many years’ service as Councillor and Chair.
2. To receive apologies
Cllr Purkess had apologised as she was on holiday.
3. To co-opt a Member to fill a vacancy on the Parish Council Mr Lacey was co-opted unanimously as a Councillor.
4. To receive Members’ Declarations of Acceptance of Office and Registers of Interests The Declarations of Office were signed. Cllr Purkess had completed and signed these documents prior to the meeting.
5. To receive any Declarations of Interest
Cllr Cliffe declared an interest in the planning application in item 12 as her family were the land owners.
6. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 1st April 2019
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
7. To review and approve Standing Orders and Financial Regulations
The polices were approved. Updated versions would be put on the website.
8. To review representation on other bodies including Parish Forum and Village Hall
Cllr Meikle would attend Parish Forum at the District Council when possible. Cllr Cliffe would continue as Village Hall representative.
9. To review assets and financial risk assessment The updated policies were approved.
10. To review other Parish Council policies
This would be considered at the next meeting.
11. To receive the Clerk’s Report
The Woodyard Drive mowing had been done by Bromford. The Judges for Best Kept Village had visited earlier in the day. Lichfield District Council had sent a quote for the installation of a litter bin at the play area and this would be ordered. The organisers of the Scarecrow Festival had asked whether some scarecrows could be displayed in a central area and it had been agreed that the land at Blakeways Close would be appropriate if it was cleared shortly afterwards. Clerk’s training seminar – topics covered had included website accessibility regulations, cyber insurance, legal matters, events management and press releases. RESOLVED to approve the Clerk’s report.
12. To consider any planning matters
Oak Farm Barn, Lullington Road, agricultural access, RESOLVED to object on the grounds of poor visibility.
13. To consider information on Catton Hall festival traffic
Cllr Meikle had attended a meeting regarding traffic management to mitigate last year’s problems. It was felt that the Parish Council had done as much as possible to help. Local people would be reminded that it was advisable to avoid the area over the weekend.
14. To receive correspondence
SPCA bulletins
Lichfield District Council; news items, community safety grants
15. To receive Councillor’s Reports
Cllr Cliffe commented on a vehicle parked on the road near Pessall Lane, and Bromford would be asked about this.
Cllr Mason mentioned the damaged signs on the A513, these had been reported but Highways could be contacted again.
He had strimmed a path towards the fields in advance of the next judging for Best Kept Village but suggested that a path in Schofield Lane also needed doing. He recommended that a thank you letter should be sent to Georgina Startin for painting the village tubs.
Cllr Lacey said that a weight limit sign was covered by the hedge, and couldn’t be seen. A strip of land by the church needed strimming and moss treating, but it would be necessary to establish who owned the land. Cllr Mason would provide a plan for the Clerk to check this with the Land Registry.
16. To receive the Financial Report The bank reconciliation was given. The precept had been received. The Annual Return and Audit report would be considered at the next meeting. The insurance was due to be paid at the next meeting. The donation previously agreed for the car park repairs had not yet been paid and the members felt that this should be increased to pay the full cost of £9,000 using the capital fund. The Clerk would check the legal position and confirm it so that the order for the work could be placed. RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report.
17. To approve the payments on the payment schedule
Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £347.47; Eon, seasonal lighting, £14.79 Acorn Taxis £314.69 The Village Gardeners, maintenance, £428.12 Toplis Associates, Audit fee, £123.60 RESOLVED to approve the payments.
18. Date of next meeting; Monday 3rd June 2019.
The meeting closed at 20.45 p.m.