Meeting 1st July 2019
Meeting of the Parish Council at Edingale Village Hall
1. To receive and approve apologies.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 3rd June 2019.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session and to reconvene the meeting.
5. To receive the Clerk’s report.
6. To consider any planning matters: Application 19/00757/FUH Oak View Farm, Pessall Lane, two storey side extension
7. To receive correspondence.
8. To receive Councillors’ reports.
9. To receive the Financial Report.
10. To approve payments on the payment schedule.
11. Date of next meeting – Monday 2nd September 2019.
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 1st July 2019
at 7.30 pm at Edingale Village Hall.
Members present:
Cllr Dhillon (Acting Chair)
Cllr Cliffe Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Meikle
Present: Mrs M Jones, Clerk, and 3 members of the public.
1. To receive and approve apologies
Cllr Startin and Cllr Purkess had apologised as both were on holiday. The apologies were accepted.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest
3. To approve the Minutes of the meeting of 3rd June 2019
The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session and to reconvene the meeting.
The Chair of the Village Hall gave a report. The resurfacing of the car park had been postponed and it was expected that the contractors would do the work later in the month.
It had been confirmed that Bearded Theory would make a grant for a PA system and that this would be installed over the summer.
A grant had been made for summer holiday activities for 7-16 year olds from the SPACE scheme, bookings were now being taken for fun activities and sports.
The next priority was for work to upgrade the toilets, but the grant application to Lafarge for this had not been successful.
The Summer Show would take place on 7th September, beginning at 11am, and would feature Edingale’s Strongest Women competition. Residents were encouraged to send in their entries for the various show categories.
Cllr Dhillon asked about the finances and was told that the bank balance was healthy as a reserve had been built up for renovation of the car park which the Parish Council had now agreed to fund.
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report
Lichfield District Council had confirmed that the litter bin near the play area would be installed shortly. A letter had been sent regarding the trampoline which had been dumped on land behind the Village Hall. It had been moved but some equipment was still there; a reminder would be sent to the owner. An application had been made for a Land Registry search regarding the ownership of a strip of land in Church Lane. If no ownership was registered the Church Warden would be asked for information. This matter would be on the agenda for the next meeting. The Audit information had been published on the website and notice board to comply with the regulations regarding public rights. The Parish Council had been informed that the Football Club had very little funding and could not afford to install a sign at the field asking players to take their litter home. Parking on Croxall Road – PCSO Trusler had said that if there was no obstruction caused by the large number of vehicles at one property the police would not take any action. A replacement defibrillator pad had been ordered to keep one of the devices up to date, information on the locations had been requested by the Ambulance Service. The Disciplinary and Grievance policy had been finalised and was adopted. RESOLVED to approve the Clerk’s report.
6. To consider any planning matters
Application 19/00757/FUH Oak View Farm, Pessall Lane, two storey side extension. There was no impact on neighbours. RESOLVED that the Parish Council had no objection.
Previous application 19/00638/19 Agricultural access at Oak Farm Barn, Lullington Road. Highways had objected and the application had been withdrawn.
7. To receive correspondence
SPCA bulletins
Lichfield District Council; news items
Staffordshire Police; information on policing structure, recruitment of independent advisors, Swinfen prisoner release scheme
VE Day Anniversary 8th May events information
Warmer Homes information
Resident regarding Croxall Lakes bin not being emptied
8. To receive Councillor’s Reports
Cllr Mason confirmed that the Best Kept Village Judges had visited Edingale that day for final judging.
He reported that the trees on the island near the Black Horse had grown very large and branches were sometimes knocked off by vehicles. Advice and a quote would be obtained for consideration at the next meeting.
He expressed concern that the tenants of the Black Horse felt that not enough people were using the restaurant to keep it sustainable, local people should support this or lose it. The Cllrs were asked for ideas on how to encourage local support.
Cllrs heard that the recent Scarecrow Festival had been a great success, and it was hoped to repeat it the next year.
Cllr Meikle reported on the recent Parish Forum; information had been given on the planning process including an explanation of Neighbourhood Development Plans and CIL payments. Chief Insp Mark Smith had also given information about policing. Cllr Meikle would attend the next meeting in September.
Cllr Dhillon reported that Highways had now filled most of the Pessall Lane potholes.
9. To receive the Financial Report The bank reconciliation was given. £9670 would be transferred to the current account to pay for the car park work when it had been completed. The VAT reclaim would be done after the payment of the invoice. The taxi accounts were shown. The number of passengers had lessened slightly and the service would be advertised locally to encourage more people to use it. RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report.
10. To approve the payments on the payment schedule Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £345.80; Acorn Taxis £274.56 The Village Gardeners, maintenance, £428.12 RESOLVED to approve the payments.
11. Date of next meeting; Monday 2nd September 2019.
The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.