Meeting 1st July 2024
The Meeting will take place in the Dale Room at Edingale Village Hall. Residents are welcome to attend to raise any issues during the public session just after 7.30.
Monday 1st July 2024 – 7.30 pm
at Edingale Village Hall
1. 101/24 To receive and approve Apologies.
2. 102/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3. 103/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 3rd June 2024.
4. 104/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting.
5. 105/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report.
6. 106/24 To consider any Planning matters.
7. 107/24 To consider future options for the School Field.
8. 108/24 To consider correspondence with Severn Trent regarding Pessall Lane.
9. 109/24 To consider suggestion of a bench in Pessall Lane.
10. 110/24 To consider a draft Flood Plan.
11. 111/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports.
12. 112/24 To receive Correspondence.
13. 113/24 To receive a Financial Report.
14. 114/24 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
15. 115/24 Date of next meeting (Monday 2nd September 2024)
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 1st July 2024
7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present: Cllrs Startin (Chair), Baughen, Cliffe, Maskery, Mason, Meikle
and Sivieri.
Present: Clerk, Mrs Jones and 5 members of the public.
101/24 To receive and approve Apologies
All present. District Cllr Bennion was unable to attend and had apologised.
102/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests
103/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 3rd June 2024
The draft Minutes were approved and signed.
104/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting
Residents had attended to listen to discussion of items later on the agenda.
105/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report
Gully cleaning – reports made, Staffordshire Highways responded work now raised
for multiple gully cleansing, to be done when scheduling and resources allow.
Audit – paperwork submitted and notice period advertised.
Mobile phone – Clerk to look at options for Council phone.
Flag purchase – new Union flag delivered to Cllr Sivieri and displayed at school.
August break – Cllrs reminded to check emails for any updates and queries.
106/24 To consider any Planning matters
Application 24/00570/FUH Brookhouse Lodge, Raddle Lane; erection of two storey
side extension and single storey rear extension. RESOLVED no objection on
highways grounds, no adverse impact on neighbours or on River Mease catchment;
application represented an improvement to the existing building.
Response sent to Planning updating Edingale’s entry for the updated Settlement
Sustainability Study.
20/00647/OUT Land adjacent to Walton House outline application – Parish Council
to contact Planning to ask why this had not yet been determined after 4 years.
107/24 To consider future options for the former school field
Correspondence had been received on this from Staffordshire County Council and
following discussion it was agreed that Cllr Mason and the Clerk would prepare a
response next week, preferred option being a land transfer to the Parish Council.
2 Minutes Edingale Parish Council 1.7.2024
108/24 To consider correspondence with Severn Trent regarding Pessall Lane
Information on drainage issues had been sent to Severn Trent and they would send
a team to check out the area. Cllrs still wished to hold a site meeting to
understand how the drains work. The drainage would need clearing before next
winter to prevent flooding.
Discussion took place on the related issue of the pipeline mentioned at the last
meeting, and Cllr Startin advised that the route may now avoid the Edingale area,
which could have implications for the River Mease.
Vandalism had also occurred at Severn Trent’s properties in the area, this would
be publicised to villagers and the police notified.
109/24 To consider suggestion of a bench in Pessall Lane
A resident had asked about the possibility of a seat being installed so that walkers
could rest along the lane. There could be issues of maintenance and litter and it
was decided not to proceed with this at the present time.
110/24 To consider a draft Flood Plan
A draft Flood Plan had been prepared by the Clerk. Cllr Mason would produce
additional content and then the Plan would be put on the website.
111/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Cliffe – dog owners had reported possible sewage discharge in the river.
Cllr Meikle – resident suggestion of artificial football pitch – agreed too expensive
and no appropriate site.
Cllr Meikle – Best Kept Village – Judges may make a third visit in early July;
refurbishment of gate in Church Lane should be a future project.
Cllr Baughen – briars and ivy overgrown over paths which could be a safety issue,
the contractor would be asked to trim these back.
Cllr Sivieri – gave feedback on D-day event and flags. Resident suggestion of road
safety measures at the school discussed; Highways unlikely to permit due to costs.
Cllr Mason – new email system worth reviewing and training.
Cllr Startin – no news on Chetwynd Bridge, election candidates aware of the issue.
Walton Bridge closed for 6 weeks, traffic very busy with only one bridge open.
112/24 To receive Correspondence
Staffordshire Parish Councils Association weekly bulletins.
Severn Trent – Vandalism, details to be added to Facebook
Resident – Right of way 13a query, unlikely to be resolved.
113/24 To receive a Financial Report
Bank reconciliation £19,964. RESOLVED to approve the report. See appendix 1.
114/234 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule
Staff costs: salary, expenses, pension and PAYE, £423.98;
The Village Gardeners, grounds maintenance and sign cleaning £646.48;
RESOLVED to approve the payments. Cllr Startin to authorise.
Cllr Maskery to authorise August payments.
115/24 Date of next meeting
Monday 2nd September 2024, 7.30 pm Meeting closed at 8.50 pm.