Meeting 2nd December 2024
The Parish Council meeting will include a public session when residents are invited to comment on items on the meeting agenda or to raise issues to be dealt with during future meetings.
Monday 2nd December 2024 – 7.30 pm
at Edingale Village Hall
1. 164/24 To receive and approve Apologies.
2. 165/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3. 166/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 4th November 2024.
4. 167/24 To adjourn the meeting, to hold the public session (15 minutes), to reconvene the meeting.
5. 168/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report.
6. 169/24 To consider any Planning matters and response to Local Plan consultation.
7. 170/24 To consider Lease of Land off School Lane.
8.171/24 To consider correspondence on Mease Valley pipeline proposal.
9. 172/24 To consider a donation towards Village Hall expenditure.
10.173/24 To consider maintenance contract and schedule for 2025.
11.174/24 To consider the draft budget for financial year 2025-6.
12.175/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports and questions.
13.176/24 To receive Correspondence.
14.177/24 To receive a Financial Report.
15.178/24 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
Date of next meeting (Monday 6th January 2025)
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 2nd December 2024
7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present: Startin (Chair), Baughen, Cliffe, Maskery, Mason, Meikle and Sivieri.
Present: Clerk, Mrs Jones, and 2 members of the public.
164/24 To receive and approve Apologies
District Cllr Bennion had apologised.
165/24 To receive any Declarations of Interests Cllrs Cliffe and Baughen; item 172, members of the Village Hall Committee. Dispensations to discuss this item had been received.
166/24 To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 4th November 2024 The draft Minutes were approved and signed.
167/24 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the meeting The Chair and a Committee Member gave further details about the Committee’s request for financial assistance with insurance and replacement doors.
168/24 To receive the Clerk’s Report Christmas tree and lights; now switched on. Bus stop sign, Harlaston Lane – Highways to be requested to remove. Tree Planting – No further progress with survey report; sapling planting in gaps to take place when weather permitted.
169/24 To consider any Planning matters (a) Consultation on new Local Plan issues and objectives. Cllr Mason to prepare Parish Council’s response and circulate, to be submitted before deadline of 11th December. Option 4 Fradley site for new development preferred. Residents could give their own views on these options (details on website).
(b) Approval of applications: LDC Planning Committee approved 24/00066/COU, conversion of existing outbuilding to be used as a residential annexe (2 bedroom) New Buildings Farm, Croxall Road.
Planning officer approval: 24/00894/FUH, erection of an annexe at Willow Bottom Cottage, Lullington Road, Edingale.
170/24 To consider Lease of Land off School Lane Draft Lease and plan received; Staffordshire County Council to be informed of amendments required and of line of boundary. Land to be leased to the Trustees of Edingale Village Hall. RESOLVED to take solicitor’s advice; Parish Council to fund this, at £750 plus VAT, as a benefit to the village.
171/24 To consider correspondence on Mease Valley pipeline proposal Update given from meeting attended by Cllrs Meikle and Sivieri. Sarah Edwards MP contacted by Cllr Meikle, reply awaited. No further action to be taken at present.
172/24 To consider a donation towards Village Hall expenditure Contribution to insurance for next year to be considered in 2024-25 budget. Contribution to doors from Capital fund agreed in principle, may part fund this but defer decision until January when exact specifications and costs available.
173/24 To consider maintenance contract and schedule for 2025 RESOLVED to approve Village Gardeners quote and next year’s contract.
174/24 To consider the draft budget for financial year 2025-6 RESOLVED to increase precept to £17500. Changes to funding of churchyard mowing and Seniors’ Christmas lunch would be discussed with organisers in order to make funds available to support the Village Hall. Final details to be agreed at January meeting.
175/24 To receive Councillors’ Reports and questions Cllr Baughen – noted work done on verge at Croxall. Cllr Sivieri – noted work at Pessall Brook completed. Cllr Meikle – cherry tree project – Edingale would not take part. Cllr Mason – Flower barrels to be upgraded.
176/24 To receive Correspondence Staffordshire Parish Councils Association weekly bulletins; Sakura Cherry tree project update; CPRE newsletter; Trent Rivers Trust newsletter
177/24 To receive a Financial Report See appendix 1. RESOLVED to approve the report.
178/234 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule
Staff costs: salary, back pay, expenses, pension and PAYE, £553.80;
The Village Gardeners, grounds maintenance £646.48, tree clearance £380;
Eon, highway lighting £44.34
KTM Electrical Services Ltd, seasonal lighting installation £288.
RESOLVED to approve the payments. Cllr Sivieri to authorise.
Date of next meeting
Monday 6th January 2025, 7.30 pm. Meeting closed at 9.20 pm.
Appendix 1 Financial Report December 2024
(a) Bank Reconciliation
Balance bf 9,904.94 Cooperative
less payments 13,017.80 Community Acc.
Plus receipts 16,871.16
Total 13,758.30 13,758.30
(b) Capital Funds
Capital Funds
Cooperative Buckinghamshire TOTAL
14 Day account Bond CAPITAL
1.63% 5%
10,853.43 53,383.14 64,236.57
Received interest
5.4.24 86.53
4.10.24 87.24
30.11.24 2,461.64
Change of interest rate on Coop instant access account from 1.53% to 1.44%
Re-investment of Buckinghamshire Bond. Interest @ 3.08%
(c) Performance against budget to date (8 months payments)
Salary Expenses Admin Maint. S137
13,014.80 Actual 3,125.36 258.60 1,157.27 6,635.58 1,600.00
19,426.00 Budget 5,060.00 462.00 2,114.00 9,170.00 2,620.00
(d) Internal Audit
Held on November 19th