Meeting 3rd January 2023
The meeting will take place on Tuesday 3rd January as the Monday is a bank holiday.
We meet in the Meeting Room at the front of the Village Hall and a session for residents to comment and ask questions is included.
Tuesday 3rd January 2023
7.30 pm at Edingale Village Hall
1/23 To receive and approve Apologies.
2/23 To receive any Declarations of Interests.
3/23 To approve the draft Minutes of Meeting of 5th December 2022.
4/23 To adjourn, to hold the public session, to reconvene the Meeting.
5/23 To receive the Clerk’s Report.
6/22 To consider any Planning matters.
7/23 To receive an update on village sign installation.
8/23 To receive an update on Chetwynd Bridge.
9/23 To confirm the precept for 2023-24.
10/23 To agree arrangements for the disposal of the Christmas tree.
11/23 To receive Councillors’ Reports.
12/23 To receive Correspondence.
13/23 To receive a Financial Report
14/23 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
15/23 Date of next meeting (Monday 6th February).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Tuesday 3rd January 2023
7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present:
Cllrs Startin (Chair), Cliffe, Dhillon, Maskery, Mason and Meikle
Present: Mrs M Jones, Clerk, two members of the public
1/23. To receive and approve apologies
Cllr Lacey had apologised due to illness and his apology was accepted.
2/23. To receive any Declarations of Interest
None given.
3/23. To approve the draft Minutes of the meeting of 5th December 2022 The draft Minutes were approved and signed.
4/23 To adjourn the meeting, to hold the public session, to reconvene
The members of the public raised the matter of the new 7.5 tonne weight limit on Chetwynd Bridge; they noted the impact on HGVs and farm vehicles and said that the school bus now left earlier to divert via an alternative route. This was then discussed by Cllrs under item 8.
5/23 To receive the Clerk’s Report
Street cleaning enquiry – Lichfield District Council had confirmed that highway cleaning took place every 12 months; they would be asked if this could be increased. Footpath sweeping took place when required, and this could be requested to coincide with Best Kept Village judging.
Christmas lights – these had malfunctioned twice after power cuts in the village and had to be switched on again. The electrician would be asked if there was any way to prevent this happening next year.
Website – the County Council team had sent advice on the accessibility of the contacts page and amendments had been made. The annual invoice was due.
6/23 To consider any Planning matters.
22/01612/FULM NMA creation of Memorial Woodland, associated landscaping and utilities. The Parish Council had been consulted on this proposal in the adjacent parish of Alrewas. The application complied with planning policies and was well designed, measures were in place to mitigate the effect of flooding. It would have no adverse effect on Edingale. RESOLVED that there was no objection.
22/01580/FUH, Fort Joe, Croxall Road; new front porch, demolition of bay windows and lean-to roof to rear, internal and external alterations. A response had been sent confirming there was no objection to these minor modifications.
Applications recently approved by Lichfield Planning department:
6 Holding, Pessall Lane, creation of a menage; this was conditional on private use.
24 Church Lane; erection of first floor side extension and single storey front and rear extensions.
7/23 To receive an update on village sign installation
The signs and gateways were now in place and looked very smart. During installation it had been found that the fixing channels on the signs did not fit the gateways, the installers had to drill through the signs to attach them. The suppliers had been contacted but were unable to return them to the manufacturer. Ultimately this could possibly lessen the lifespan of the signs.
It had been suggested by Cllr Lacey that the signs and gateways would need cleaning more frequently and this was agreed.
8/23 To receive an update on Chetwynd Bridge.
As the weight limit over the bridge had been reduced in December to 7.5 tonnes due to the poor condition of the bridge, it was RESOLVED to write to Mr Pincher MP to point out the difficulties caused and to request that funding for a new bridge should be sought as soon as possible. The Staffordshire County Council engineers would also be contacted to ask for a timescale for the building of a new bridge.
9/23 To confirm the precept for 2023-24.
Cllrs at the last meeting had indicated a preferred increase of £500 and it was agreed that this was realistic.
It was RESOLVED to request a precept of £15,500 for 2023-4.
10/23 To agree arrangements for the disposal of the Christmas tree.
RESOLVED that Cllr Startin would arrange the removal and disposal of the tree.
11/23 To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Meikle suggested that one of the Best Kept Village judges could come to explain what they considered when judging, they would be invited to a Parish Council meeting if possible or otherwise to a more informal meeting.
Cllr Mason said that the resident who had suggested work was needed on the footpath from the churchyard had been appreciative of the job done. He had asked whether stones could be put on a further section; this was discussed but it was agreed that it was not appropriate to surface the route through the field.
Cllr Mason asked whether the contractor could cut back annually a large bush on the left hand corner of the Blakeways Close land, he would be asked to do this.
Cllr Startin said that he would arrange for the hedges to be trimmed.
The Parish Councillors were extremely pleased to note that in the New Year Honours Mr Gordon Dale had been awarded a British Empire Medal by the Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire for his service to the community of Edingale and wished to pass on their congratulations to him.
12/23To receive Correspondence
SPCA bulletins
Christmas greetings from LDC and various other organisations
Commissioner for Policing, Fire and Safety, consultation on possible increases to the precept
Community Foundation newsletters
13/22 To receive a Financial Report
The bank reconciliation stood at £9.084.
It was RESOLVED to approve the report. See appendix 1.
14/22 To approve payments on the Payment Schedule.
Staff costs; salary, expenses, pension and PAYE, £435.49
Acorn Taxi, £110.16
Village Gardeners, hedge trimming £20
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments; Cllr Maskery would authorise these.
15/23 Date of next meeting
Monday 6th February 2023.
The meeting closed at 8.20 pm
Appendix 1
Financial Report
Date 03/01/2023
Bank Reconciliation
Balance bf 11,747.20 Cooperative
less payments 20,502.22
Plus receipts 17,839.27
Total 9,084.25 9,084.25
Receipts –
Taxi passengers’ donation banked £50
VAT reclaim £840.62
Buckinghamshire Building Society paperwork signed to open new bond