Meeting 4th May 2021
Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30
Annual Meeting of the Parish Council at 7.45
Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 7.45
The meeting will take place online and will follow the Annual Parish Meeting.
Link to observe the meeting:
- [15] To appoint a Chair of the Parish Council. To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Office.
- [16] To receive and approve apologies.
- [17] To receive any Declarations of Interests.
- [18] To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of 6th April 2021.
- [19] To receive the Clerk’s Report.
- [20] To consider any planning matters.
- [21] To review Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Financial Risk Assessment, Asset Register, and other Council policies.
- [22] To consider renewal of the Parish Council’s insurance.
- [23] To approve the Annual Governance Statement.
- [24] To approve the Annual Accounting Statements.
- [25] To certify the Parish Council’s exemption from a limited assurance
- [26] To consider initial designs for Parish Council logo.
- [27] To consider BT request to remove phone kiosk in Croxall Road.
- [28] To receive correspondence.
- [29] To receive Councillors’ Reports.
- [30] To receive the Financial Report.
- [31] To approve payments on the payment schedule.
- [32] Date of next meeting (Monday 5th July).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Tuesday 4th May 2021
at 7.45 pm, online.
Members present:
Cllr Startin (Chair)
Cllr Cliffe
Cllr Dhillon
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllr Meikle
Cllr Purkess
Present: Mrs M Jones, Clerk.
15.To appoint a Chair of the Parish Council. To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Startin was appointed as Chair and his Declaration of Acceptance of Office was signed.
16. To receive and approve apologies
There were no apologies.
17. To receive any Declarations of Interest
None received.
- To approve the draft Minutes of the meeting of 6th April 2021 The Minutes were approved and would be signed by the Chair at the next face to face meeting of the Council.
19. To receive the Clerk’s Report
Honours – a progress report was given.
Land registration – Staffordshire Highways would be contacted to establish whether they had any ownership rights over the footway in Church Lane, if not letters would be sent to the Lichfield Diocese and owners of adjacent properties.
Correspondence from Staffordshire County Council’s Rights of Way Officer – an update had been received on issues concerning the footpaths previously reported.
Tree inspection – the tree surgeon had planned to do this but had not yet issued a quote for any work.
Clerk’s appraisal – this had been deferred.
20.To consider any planning matters
Development at Mill Lane – Lichfield District Council had confirmed that the timber building had been built in accordance with plans approved last year. The planners had provided a link to the Local Plan which explained the criteria for development in rural areas and also on the building of affordable homes.
Proposed solar farm at Lullington – further information had been received explaining changes to the proposals; it was likely that a planning application would be made shortly to South Derbyshire Council. A similar development at Haunton was currently going through the planning process, and documents including many local objections were available to view on Lichfield District Council’s website.
21. To review Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Financial Risk Assessment, Asset Register, and other Council policies.
Cllrs discussed the updated policy documents. The Clerk confirmed that the standard documents used bold type to indicate legal content that could not be changed, whereas light type was optional. References to committees were not required for this Council. An updated Health and Safety Policy would be prepared, and the new Code of Conduct would follow the one adopted by the District Council. Queries about the Asset Register were answered by the Clerk. It was RESOLVED to adopt the revised policies.
22. To consider renewal of the Parish Council’s insurance.
It was RESOLVED to renew the insurance, and clarification as to why new terms had been adopted would be sought from the insurers.
- To approve the Annual Governance Statement.
It was RESOLVED to approve the Annual Governance Statement, subject to internal audit.
- To approve the Annual Accounting Statements.
It was RESOLVED to approve the Annual Accounting Statements.
- To certify the Parish Council’s exemption from a limited assurance
It was RESOLVED to certify that Edingale Parish Council was exempt from a limited assurance review for 2020-21.
- To consider initial designs for road signs.
Cllr Mason and the Clerk had met the designer and discussed the initial ideas. Although the Council was not yet at the stage of obtaining costs, Highways would be asked to clarify permitted sizes and proportions, and installation requirements.
A village gateway type could aid traffic calming and could include wording on driving safely. It was hoped to include the National Forest logo. Work would continue to refine designs for future consideration, and on obtaining estimated costs. As a long-term village asset capital spending could be used.
- To consider BT request to remove phone kiosk in Croxall Road.
Lichfield District Council had been asked by BT to consult on a proposal to remove the phone kiosk and had contacted the Parish Council again as previously. No calls had been made from the kiosk this year. Many villagers wished to keep this facility as the mobile signal was poor and there was concern about being able to make emergency calls. These concerns would be passed on to the District Council.
- To receive correspondence
SPCA, bulletins and training
Lichfield District Council news items; fly tipping, community lottery, Great British Spring Clean, new acting Chief Executive
Resident regarding dead tree on a neighbouring property; the Parish Council had been copied into correspondence between a resident and the District Council
Staffordshire CC Highways, confirming there were no resources to improve signage in Harlaston Road warning drivers of pedestrians
Resident regarding ongoing matter of clearing dumped tarmac from layby
Transforming the Trent Valley, meeting information
SPCA regarding River Mease Catchment area meeting
Community Foundation, grants for sports clubs, community renewal fund
Community Speedwatch restart, the local volunteers would be informed
- To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Meikle asked whether there would be an event in the village in the summer once the Coronavirus restrictions were lifted, and Cllr Purkess said the Village Hall Committee had mentioned organising such an event.
Cllr Mason asked whether there was any information on progress on the Chetwynd Bridge repairs; the Clerk would contact Highways for an update.
Cllr Startin reported an uncovered drain on the road between The Grange and White Knights, this would be reported to Highways. There were also a lot of potholes around the Croxall Road/Catton Road junction, these would be reported when details of the location and photos were available.
30.To receive the Financial Report
The bank reconciliation was given; the current account stood at £23,394; the precept of £14,000 had been received, along with the VAT reclaim of £309. It was RESOLVED to earmark £69,078 as capital funds for purchase of village assets when required.
31.To approve the payments on the payment schedule
Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £324.29; HMRC £22.80
Village Gardeners, April mowing, £490.46.
Gallaghers (Came & Co), insurance premium £338.80
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments, Cllr Dhillon would authorise these.
32. Date of next meeting
Monday 5th July
The meeting closed at 8.30 p.m.