Meeting 5th January 2022
Wednesday 5th January 2022 at 7.30
at Edingale Village Hall
- [120] To receive and approve apologies.
- [121] To receive any Declarations of Interests.
- [122] To approve the draft Minutes of the Meeting of 6th December 2021.
- [123] To adjourn the meeting, to hold the public session, to reconvene.
- [124] To receive the Clerk’s Report.
- [125] To consider any planning matters.
- [126] To consider progress on village name signs.
- [127] To consider ‘20 is plenty for Staffordshire’ scheme.
- [128] To receive Councillors’ reports.
- [129] To receive correspondence.
- [130] To receive a Financial Report.
- [131] To approve payments on the payment schedule.
- [132] Date of next meeting (7th February 2022).
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Wednesday 5th January 2022
at 7.30 pm, at Edingale Village Hall
Members present: Cllr Startin (Chair) Cllr Cliffe Cllr Dhillon Cllr Meikle Cllr Purkess
120.To receive and approve apologies
Cllrs Mason and Lacey had apologised and their apologies were accepted. The Clerk had been unable to attend for family reasons and Cllr Purkess took the minutes.
121.To receive any Declarations of Interest
None received.
122.To approve the draft Minutes of the meeting of 6th December 2021 The Minutes were approved and would be signed at the next meeting.
123.To hold the public session
No members of the public were present.
124.To receive the Clerk’s report
There was no Clerk’s report.
125.To consider any planning matters
New application: 21/01964, 17 Croxall Road, replacement windows
RESOLVED that there was no objection.
- To consider progress on village name signs
No progress due to the Christmas break, this would be discussed at the next meeting.
127.To consider a ‘20 is plenty for Staffordshire’ scheme
Cllr Meikle had done some research. The general view was that it might be expensive – Cllr Meikle was trying to obtain better costings and an example of a questionnaire. Funding might come from the Safer Roads Partnership. This would carry over to the next agenda when Cllr Meikle may have more information. Apparently Staffordshire County Council was not actively supporting the scheme.
- To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Mason had confirmed there was no quotation yet on the village gateways due to the holidays.
He had agreed with Steve Keey on how to plan out and sow the wildflower seed (on a minimum tillage basis to save carbon). Cllrs were asked to let him know if they had a preferred grassed area to be sown.
He had asked for the path across the big open space at Rowley Close to be put on the next agenda.
129.To receive correspondence
Christmas greetings from C.Pincher M.P., from Chair, Leader and Chief Executive of Lichfield District Council and from the National Forest.
130.To receive a Financial Report
The current account stood at £13,784.34; capital totalled £69,380.97.
RESOLVED to approve the Financial Report, see Appendix 1.
131.To approve the payments on the payment schedule
Mrs M Jones, salary and expenses, £357.02;
HMRC, PAYE, £17.60
Acorn Taxi, November £159.24
Acorn Taxi, December £105.02
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments, Cllr Purkess would authorise these.
132.Date of next meeting
Monday 7th February 2022, 7.30 at Edingale Village Hall