Meeting 7th December 2020
Meeting held on zoom
Link available the week before the meeting
Monday 7th December 2020 at 7.30
The meeting will take place online. Residents may follow the link below to observe the meeting or to take part in the public session:
Meeting ID: 844 0158 9996
Passcode: N61Dju
or contact the clerk on to request this by email.
- To receive and approve apologies.
- To receive any Declarations of Interests.
- To approve the Minutes of the Meeting of 2nd November 2020.
- To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session, and to reconvene the meeting.
- To receive the Clerk’s report.
- To consider any planning matters.
- To consider the draft budget for financial year 2021-22.
- To receive correspondence.
- To receive Councillors’ Reports.
- To receive the Financial Report.
- To approve payments on the payment schedule.
- Date of next meeting – Monday 4th January 2021.
Meeting of the Parish Council
held on Monday 7th December 2020
at 7.30 pm, online.
Members present:
Cllr Dhillon
Cllr Lacey
Cllr Mason
Cllrs Meikle
Cllr Purkess
Cllr Startin (Chair)
Present: Mrs M Jones, Clerk
1. To receive and approve apologies
Cllr Cliffe had been unable to join the meeting for technical reasons.
2. To receive any Declarations of Interest
None received.
3. To approve the draft Minutes of the meeting of 2nd November 2020
The Minutes were approved and would be signed by the Chair at the next face to face meeting of the Council.
4. To adjourn the meeting, to hold the Public Session, to reconvene the meeting.
No members of the public had attended.
5. To receive the Clerk’s Report
Christmas lights – these had been installed in time for December. One new set had been replaced following advice on the voltage from the electrician.
Village name signs – following comments from Cllrs on damage to some of the signs the National Forest had been contacted to ask if they would contribute to replacement signs. They could contribute through their small grants scheme. Highways had advised that if the signs were installed onto the existing posts no licence or planning permission would be required and they could quote for installation by their approved contractors. Further information on types of signs would be obtained and this matter would be discussed at a future meeting. Cllr Startin would measure one of the existing signs to assist with costings. As this would be an asset replacement the cost could be met from the capital fund.
Potholes – The potholes in Pessall Lane, just over the bridge and by the farm, were awaiting works to fix the faults and needed to be chased up. Those near Broadlands were still awaiting inspection. Repairs would be made to the layby on Harlaston Lane near the football field.
Litter picking – Lichfield District Council had confirmed they loaned equipment and could collect waste for community litter picks, such as during the Best Kept Village competition. They had been asked to put up signs in the layby on Lullington Road warning people not to leave litter.
Tree Inspections – the tree surgeon had not yet quoted.
6. To consider any planning matters
(a) No new applications.
(b) Previous applications and Lichfield District Council decisions:
20/00647/OUT | Land adj Walton House, Church Hollow | Outline application for the erection of one dwelling | Pending consideration |
20/00935/FUL | Glebefield, Mill Lane | Access track | Refused |
20/01181/ABN | 6 Holding | Access track | Prior notification not required |
20/01005/FUL | The Barn, Mill Lane | Change of use to live/work unit | Pending consideration |
20/00938/FUH | Glebefield, Mill Lane | Two bay garage | Approved |
20/00560/LBC | Chetwynd Bridge | Listed building consent for works to bridge | Pending consideration |
20/01278/FUH | Woodside Barn, Mill Lane | conversion of existing garage, new link section and carport | Pending consideration |
20/01326/FUL | 6 Holding | extension of existing cow shed, construction of another | Pending consideration |
20/01325/FUL | 6 Holding | extension of existing cow shed, roof to muck store | Pending consideration |
(c) Consultation on Ground Mounted Solar Farm, north of Lullington; this was outside the parish but covered a large area and would affect the local landscape. Cllrs felt on balance that the country needed renewable energy, other sites would be preferable but they would not object to the scheme.
(d) SPCA planning course feedback; Cllr Meikle reported on the course which had been interesting and useful, and had explained how to respond to the local authority when consulted on applications. All Cllrs would benefit from planning training when the proposed government White Paper was implemented. It would be beneficial to have a Neighbourhood Plan or at least a policy on future development, and this would be discussed when face to face meetings resumed.
7. To consider the draft budget for financial year 2021-22
Discussion took place on the draft budget prepared by the Clerk. The salary figure would be revised to take account of inflation, and the training figure increased. The maintenance contract would be renewed; a policy for renewal of contracts would be discussed at the next meeting. Reserves would increase to cover contingencies as advised by the Auditor. It was RESOLVED to request a precept of £14,000, the same level as 2020, and to approve the budget subject to the minor changes discussed.
8. To receive correspondence
SPCA, bulletins and training information, Cllr training now available to book.
Lichfield District Council news items, lockdown information, Community lottery; relevant information posted on the website
Walton Parish Council, query regarding overweight vehicles; reply sent that there were no current problems with through traffic
Transforming the Trent Valley, talks available
Staffordshire County Council ‘Happy at Home Campaign’, Coronavirus updates
Community Foundation ‘Surviving Winter appeal’, grants available.
9. To receive Councillors’ Reports
Cllr Mason reported that 3 small whips had grown under the oak tree recently felled, these had been potted up for planting around the village, this was an ideal solution as they were the same genetic material as the historic oak.
Cllr Mason would meet the contractor to obtain a quote for repairs to the bridge over Right of Way 7.
Cllr Dhillon reported back on the Internal Audit course. This had been useful in explaining how the Clerk ensured that the Parish Council complied with audit regulations, she was doing a good job and did much that Cllrs were not aware of. He would work with the Clerk on contingency plans to cover the business of the Council and this would be reported back to a future meeting.
Cllr Lacey asked about the possible closure of a permissive route through the National Forest woodland, no information was available on this.
Cllr Meikle asked about tree trimming behind Rowley Close, and Cllr Startin would make enquiries of the landowner.
He also asked about recent reports of high Covid cases in the Mease Valley, this situation had now improved.
Cllr Purkess said that the school continued to use the Village Hall during the restrictions, expenses were low and had been covered by a grant received.
10.To receive the Financial Report
Bank reconciliation: current account £12,801.60. Receipts: two County Council payments of £699 for grass cutting for years 2018-19 and 2019-20. Zoom account opened, no charge at present then £11.99 a month.
Capital fund: Buckingham Building Society fixed rate bond matured on 30/11/2020, £43,433.02 including interest of 456.95; to be renewed with a new bond when the signatories had signed the form.
Monies would be moved from the Co-operative savings account to the Cambridge Building Society account for a better rate of interest, there were currently no plans to spend this and it could be moved at short notice.
11.To approve the payments on the payment schedule
Mrs M. Jones |
Salary and expenses |
£300.14 |
The Village Gardeners |
Hedge trimming |
£100.00 |
Staffordshire PCA |
Training |
£55.00 |
Lichfield District Council |
Election charges |
£38.64 |
Mazars |
Audit fee |
£240.00 |
KFL Electrical |
Christmas Lights |
£348.00 |
Staffordshire County Council |
Website fee |
£131.95 |
Christmas Direct |
Set of lights |
£173.98 |
It was RESOLVED to approve the payments. Cllr Dhillon would authorise these.
12.Date of next meeting
Monday 4th January 2021 at 7.30 p.m. online. The meeting closed at 9 p.m.