Out of control dogs
The Parish Council would like to ask all dog owners to keep their pets under control while in the public areas and paths around the village. Only a minority are causing a problem but we’ve had recent reports about out of control dogs.
Last week a villager had her small dog jumped on by a larger dog which also jumped on her while she was trying to protect her pet, which was very upsetting. The larger dog’s owner wasn’t even aware of what it was doing. We have heard of similar local incidents when dogs and even sheep have been chased by out of control dogs.
Please use a lead if possible unless you are sure your dog will come back to you when called, and please keep it near you and within sight at all times. It is against the law to have an out of control dog in a public place.
We’d also like to remind owners to pick up the poo – its only a few who don’t! It is unpleasant for others who stand on it and it can pass on diseases.
Thanks for your consideration!